
"So take your mail home, tell your wife about it, and let her be proud of you for being accepted. Then tomorrow morning, you can call and tell these people that you won't be taking the position."

"But what if Rory tells me to take it?"

"Don't be ridiculous. That would never happen."

"You don't know Rory, because there is a chance that it could."

"I somehow doubt that."

"Rory has always wanted to be a foreign correspondent. It's always been her dream to report out of a fox hold in some third world country. Working for Doctors without Borders, is right up her alley. I can actually see her telling me that I need to go. She would want me to experience this, and she would wait for me at home, the entire time."

"Logan, I can see her doing that back at Yale . . . But not now. Not with everything that the two of you have going on. Not with her being pregnant. There is no way she's going to let you out of her sight!"

"But what if she tells me to go?"

"That's not going to happen Logan."

"But what if it does?"

"Do you want me to go talk to her with you? Are you afraid to tell your wife that about this? Something that you applied for months before you saw her again, for the first time in almost 9 years. Months before you got back together, and then suddenly decided to run off and get married? Months before you suddenly got her pregnant on your first night back together? Don't be stupid. Rory won't be upset, and she won't tell you to take the job. Rory isn't going to let you out of her sight! If anything, she will be proud of you for being accepted into the program, and maybe for a split second, she will wish that maybe circumstances were different so that you could go. But there is no way in hell that your pregnant wife is going to tell you to take a job on the other side of the world. Especially not for the next 18 months! Now, take your mail, and go home. Go show your wife what you accomplished today, and then tell her how beautiful she is, and how much you love her."

"Fine. . ." Logan sighed. "But when she kills me . . ."

"I'll help her hide the body, and call Collin and Finn to come clean up all your spilled blood."

"Gee, thanks Honor!

"No problem! What are older sisters for?!" Honor laughed, pushing Logan out of her kitchen. "Oh, take the bag of stuff next to the front door home with you."

"What is it?"

"Just some clothes for Rory. I was shopping with a friend earlier, and bought doubles of all the maternity stuff that I wanted."

"I just bought her a bunch of stuff last week. Why don't you save all of this. Christmas is in a few weeks."

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