Chapter 13: Threesome

Start from the beginning

So far, I've never seen them going at each other in a sexual way, not like this anyway and I have to say, it's kind of hot. Maybe I'm not the only one wanting Natasha right now, Wanda's just better at hiding it.
Nat pulls away from her wife, dragging her lower lip with her just a little, just enough to make Wanda gasp. That sound is enough to remind my of my own aching and I shuffle on my feet, a little unsure what to do. Natasha turns to me, a hungry look in her eyes that has my stomach glowing hot, excitement pushing through my veins. 

"Please tell me, I got your consent because I think I'd go crazy otherwise." She mumbles, pulling me against her and leaving hot kisses down my neck. I tilt my head back, being transported right back to the office.

"You absolutely do." I whimper as she bites into my neck. 

"Good." She murmurs, placing a kiss on the spot she just bit. "Let's go upstairs then." 

Her hand takes mine, guiding me towards the stairs. Her other hand reaches for Wanda, who gladly follow us. I didn't plan on having a threesome today but I can't say I'm against it. I'm honestly quite excited for it. Their bedroom hasn't changed since the last time I was here. The bed is neat but there are a few things scattered on top of the dressers. 

"I would want to give y/n the orgasm I teased her with first." She announces, sending a tingling over my skin. The last time we were in here, it was all about me and very soft, I have a feeling it's going to be different this time. But good different. Wanda purses her lips and pouts but nods. Nat chuckles and kisses Wanda's cheek.

"You can get yourself ready if you're impatient, my love." She suggests and Wanda's eyes light up. She doesn't pay any further attention to us and hurries over to the bed to throw away the pillows we won't need. I snicker at her actions, never having seen her like this. But I don't have much time to watch her before Nat pulls me into her and kisses me, stealing my breath and intensifying the heartbeat between my legs. 

"When I saw you in this button down, the only thing I wanted to do was strip you of it and have you on the table, my mouth on your breasts." She whispers hotly, sending more arousal down my body. I whimper, picturing it. Her hand traces the outline of my neckline, making goosebumps appear all over my skin. 

"I can't say, I haven't thought about sex when I saw you." I reply, my voice breathy and not quite as steady as I hoped. But how is it supposed to be steady when I was rubbing myself against her thigh half an hour ago and am now in their bedroom?

"Tell me, what did you think about?" Nat asks, placing kisses on my jaw while her hand slowly unbutton my shirt. I swallow, steadying myself with my hands on her waist. 

"About you and how you'd sent everyone out of the room before laying me on the table and pushing your fingers inside me." I whisper, biting my tongue at my own words. 

"Mhm, and what was I wearing?" Nat asks further, her voice still so sexy low and her hands now on my pants. I shiver, anticipating more of her touch. 

"Your suit. You didn't undress at all, you just took me on the table fully dressed." I admit, feeling heat rising in my cheeks. I've never had such thoughts at work or at all, not even with past partners. But something about Natasha today made them pop up in my head. 

"Very interesting." She hums and pushes down my pants. I kick them off, feeling a cool breeze against my heated skin. She slides the blouse down my arms until I am only wearing my underwear. But my bra doesn't last very long either. 

"I have to disappoint you though, I will be undressing for this." She whispers before nipping at my earlobe. I let out a silent moan.

"Not a disappointment." I promise, my hands finding her neck to untie the tie. Nat fiddles with her pants, stepping out of them after I rid her of her tie. She is quick in getting the rest of her clothes off, leaving me breathless with how beautiful she is. 

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