"You see Dear Husband, that's where you're wrong!" Rory said pulling her phone out from under the blanket that she was wrapped up in, and pressing a few buttons. "Hey Mom!"

"Rory, do you smell it?!" Lorelai asked as soon as she answered the phone.

"For the very first time ever, I actually do! I smell it!" Rory said excitedly.

"You two are insane!" Logan said rolling his eyes as he opened the refrigerator.

"Mom, Logan doesn't believe me! He walked into the room and immediately told me to close the door because it's cold. Hold on, I'm switching you to Facetime . . . Here, you tell him!"

"Logan? What are you doing?" Lorelai asked, seeing Logan's back as he stood in front of the refrigerator.

"Looking for dinner. One of use needs to be the adult here, and figure out what we are going to eat tonight."

"You need chili cheese fries, smores and hot chocolate." Lorelai told him.

"That's not dinner."

"No ,but it's first snow food."

"It's not snowing! And what the heck is first snow food?!" Logan asked.

"It's the magical foods that go with the first snowfall. You'll need both chocolate and powdered donuts too."

"And twizzlers!" Rory added.

"Ok, first of all, NONE of that is dinner! Second, it's NOT snowing! And third, do I need to remind you that you're pregnant, slightly anemic, and need to eat a decent meal?" Logan said closing the fridge, and turning to see both Lorelai and Rory staring at him, expectantly.

"Do you see what I'm dealing with?!" Rory asked.

"Logan, you really need to get on board here." Lorelai told him.

"On board with what?" Logan asked .

"Dinner!" they heard Luke call through the phone., then saw him appear behind Lorelai with plastic bags of food in his hands.

"What are you guys having tonight?" Logan asked, almost nervously.

"Here are your donuts, both chocolate and powdered, Mallomars, marshmallows, graham crackers, Hershey bars, hot cocoa, twizzlers, and your chili cheese fries." Luke said, piling Lorelai's dinner items onto the table in front of her.

"And what is that other box in your hand?" Lorelai asked.

"A steak and a salad for me. There is no way in hell that I am eating any of that fist snow crap that you insisted on me getting."

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