👑 The Beautiful Tyrant: Chapter 33 👑

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As soon as Angel stepped inside the room, she released a sigh. Of course, Vil cursed the sweets, after he was so adamantly set on trying to be the best of the best for the SDC show. She did expect some measures that Vil would have to keep everyone in check, but to actually curse food is another thing entirely. She honestly felt bad for the three, but the fact that they snuck out and ate the food in the first place was their fault entirely. All she did was get roped up in the shenanigans. She sighs as she thinks about it, and a thought popped in her head. She did realized something earlier before everyone went to sleep. She remembered that Grim was talking to Ace, smirking at each other a few minutes before curfew. Could they have planned this...? The possibility seemed high after all, they are the two troublemakers she knows. And for Deuce, it looked like he was roped in as well, but seeing that he gave into temptation only reduced her sympathy for him. And it could explain how Grim "conveniently" woke her up at the time when the two were downstairs. The irritation inside her grows, putting the pieces together, only to sigh and forget about it, realizing that they already paid the price, or at least paying the price for the next 5 hours at least. "I should bring them some blankets, at least," she says as she looks around the room for any covers she could bring to the three. Though cleaned, and better than when they started living here, the dorm was still old, with whips of cold wind still sneaking into the cracks of the windows and the lounge was the coldest place of all if the fireplace wasn't on. If Grim could use his magic, he could set the fireplace on, but since he's immobilized, that's not an option. There's a closet on the floor where the rest of the blankets are...could I get them from there before Vil catches me...? As she was lamenting on her option, a familiar glow started to fill the room, and Angel looked at the mirror, seeing that her confirmations was right. Though she should try and accommodate the three downstairs, she could only look at the mirror, hypnotized by the light it gave out, slowly walking towards it, appearing brighter each step, almost calling her. She stood in front of the mirror, staring at the white light in front of her, still as a statue only for the sound of knocking to wake her up from her trance. She looked at the mirror, seeing the familiar silhouette of the person in the mirror before, knocking on the glass. After a while, the knocking stopped and the silhouette started to fade away, only for Angel to hold her hand out, as if telling the person to wait. Once her hand touched the mirror, she felt air, looking to see that her hand was IN the mirror, leaving her shocked. She quickly takes her hand back, and grab it, assessing it to see if it's all in one piece at least (luckily it was) and looked back in the mirror. Could she...go in there? She thinks for a moment, and her eyes lay on a chair in the room, tall enough for her to reach the mirror. She looked at the mirror and came to a decision. She went over to the chair, seeing the camera on the desk, and picked it up, moving the chair close to the fireplace, and carefully stood on it, checking her balance before looking in the mirror. Seven, I hope this works... She thinks as she looks into the mirror in front of her, hoping that her fears weren't coming true as she carefully leans towards the mirror with eyes closed as she falls in.

She slowly opens her eyes, seeing that instead of the room, she was in another space, a different space filled with fog as she slowly stands up, seeing that she was on, what she thinks, solid ground. She looks around, seeing nothing but gray around her. She looks behind her, seeing that the mirror was still there, but her eyes went in front of her, seeing the familiar silhouette from before, only instead of being behind a mirror, was standing in front of her, well, at least from what she saw. The silhouette was wearing big white gloves, with only red shorts with two oval dots in the middle, and she noticed that they was only a few feet shorter than her, but looked to be confused as well, as if talking to a wall. "...lo? Hello?" The familiar voice says clearly. "Are you there today?"

The voice quickly registered and a smile appeared on her face. "Mickey!"

"Whoa! You started me!" He says as he looks in front of him, only to leave her confused as she feels like he wasn't looking at her, only the mirror in front of him. "Your voice is coming through the mirror especially loud and clear today," he says with a smile. "All I saw before was a hazy silhouette, but now I can almost make you out. Can you see me?" He asks.

He looks much friendlier than I was expecting she thinks as she makes out more of his profile, only to remember the question. "Yeah, I can see you," she responds.

"I told some friends of mine about what you said in my last dream...but Donald and Goofy have never heard of Twisted Wonderland, either," he says with a sympathetic look. "Donald even said it was a ghost prank, and that I shouldn't listen!"

"My classmates told me the same thing," she says, remembering how Ace and Deuce said that she was just imagining things from exhaustion. "I'm just glad you're not a ghost..." She sighs in relief.

"What?" Mickey says in shock. "Of course I'm not! I sure hope YOU'RE not one..." He looks at her, and she nods, seeing that he smiled at her reaction, showing that his fears was unwarranted. "That's good," he sighs in relief. "But this is getting stranger and stranger. Just now, those animated cards and dancing gloves said to me, 'Oh, you're back again?' This is definitely no ordinary dream," he says in thought.

The statement only reminded her about what Ace said. "Oh, I almost forgot! The ghost camera!" She exclaims.

"Ghost camera?" Mickey curiously asks. "What's that?" She holds up the camera, seeing that Mickey was looking closely in front of him, trying to inspect it only for a blaring sound to echo through the space, leaving the two confused. "Huh?" Mickey says. "...hear...ringing..." The space start to flash, and Angel look in front of her, seeing that Mickey was getting further and further away, fading into the distance.

"Mickey, wait!" She shouts as he continues to fade. She felt something pulling her back, and she tried to go against it, but the last thing she saw was that the space started to fade as well, making her close her eyes. After a few moments, she opened her eyes, seeing that she was standing in front of the mirror in her room, leaving her confused. She looked around, seeing that she was, in fact, back in her room, seeing that everything was still in place, aside from the chair she moved in front of the fireplace. She looked at her hands, seeing the ghost camera placed in them. "I couldn't get that picture..." She sadly says as she looks at the mirror. She suddenly remembered the words Crowley said in the library.

"Not only is your homeland not listed on any current map, but it does not appear on any map from any point of history. Now, are you QUITE sure you come from such a place? That wasn't some sort of lie, or jape? Because if so, the only explanation is that you've come from another planet. Or perhaps you were summoned here from another dimension?"

"I...don't even know anymore..." She sadly answers, trying to recall even the tiniest details of where she's from. She noticed that over time, she's been forgetting even the smallest details of where she's from. She can still at least retain some information about it at least, but anything about herself is still fuzzy. Why is she the only one having this problem? Why, instead of remembering, she's forgetting as time goes by? It made her frustrated, depressed, and lonely. No one could relate to her situation, and even if she did, would they understand it? There were people who know about her situation at least, but to say that you lost your memories AND lost the place you used to live in while also being in a new world is different. It's...terrifying. Always having to have your guard up in a world where magic and monsters reside, not knowing what's in the shadows, not having anyone to truly trust, and not having a place where you really belong as a safety net...all terrifying experiences that continue to add on, making her feel small and lonely. She looked to the mirror, almost hoping for an answer, but a thought came to her. "Does the mirror connect to someplace else...?" She quietly says, a thought coming to her. Could it take me back home...?  She yawns, remembering that it's late, and puts the camera back where it was an head to bed. As she gets situated, she felt that she was forgetting something, but quickly brushed it away as she closes her eyes. After all, how important was it?

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