👑 The Beautiful Tyrant: Chapter 31 👑

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Later that night while Angel was asleep, the mirror started to glow and form ripples, a scene starting to appear in her dreams.

Angel opened her eyes, looking around her surroundings to see that she was in the forest from before, or at least, from what she can make from the various trees surrounding her. She looked around and walked, seeing that unlike the forest she saw the first time, this part seemed more dark and sinister, seeing that there were big rocks lines up into a sort of low head wall, big enough to lean on, but enough to see what's over it with trees drooping in the distance, making her shiver as she look at the shadows, almost mistaking them for claws. Suddenly, she heard a violent scream pierce the quiet air, making the hair raise on the back of her neck. (A girl just screamed!) Angel thinks as she quickly heads towards the sound, ignoring the atmosphere of the forest. She stops, seeing the same girl from before, Snow White she remembers, leaning on set of rocks but an unfamiliar man in from of her, kneeling. She sees that Snow White was looking at him with a terrified expression on her face, but the man only kneeled in front of her, looking remorseful almost. "I can't!" He cries as he grabs the bottom of her dress. "I can't do it! Forgive me. I beg of Your Highness, forgive me," he apologetically says to her, wishing for her forgiveness.

"I don't understand!" She cries, confused about the situation, but also keeping her terrified expression.

The man look at her with tears in his eyes. "She's mad, jealous of you! She'll stop at nothing!" He desperately says to her, almost as if he was warning her as the scene fades to black.

"The blundering fool!" A voice is heard as another scene is shown, showing the queen with an angry expression on her face as she looks into a cup with liquid in it. Angel looked around, seeing that compared to the castle she seen before, this place seemed dingy, isolated, and dimly lit, but from what she could tell, she had a bad feeling about the place, seeing that there was a pedestal with what looks to be a book underneath a skull with the top off (hopefully not a real persons she hopes), and a crow placed on top of it, watching the queen's every move as she paces around the room. The moss the grew on the wall only added to the atmosphere, with what looks to be a mortar and pestle on the side table, filled with various of plants which gave her a bad feeling. The queen puts the cup down and look at the mirror in front of her. She looks down, picking something up as she faces the mirror. "Now to transform my beauty into ugliness," she says in the mirror. "Now, begin thy magic spell." She waves the wand, a dark cloud starting to form as it starts to cover her, changing her as wind starts to fill the room, and even Angel could feel how violently the wind came, whipping everything up in a storm as the clouds start to die down. Once the clouds and wind winded down, Angel opened her eyes, widening them in a shock as she looks to see that the queen was no more, in fact, it was a short old lady, hunched over, admiring herself in the mirror. She smiled her reflection, almost as if pleased with the result as she sees that she had a long nose, with a giant wart right in the middle of it, sagging skin around her face, missing teeth, brittle white hair that reached to her shoulders, and spots around her skin. She chuckles at the sight. "A perfect disguise," she says as she walks over to the table, looking over a variety of plants and potions placed on it. "And now, a special sort of death for one so fair. What shall it be?" She says with a sinister smile as the scene starts to fade to black, with Angel still confused about the situation. (She's still plenty beautiful, even if she isn't number one...)

"Angel...Hey, Angel. Wake up!" Grim quietly says as he shakes her, waking her up. She slowly opens her eyes, wanting to go back to sleep; however, knowing Grim, he wasn't going to her sleep unless what he needed was settled first. She groggily sits up, trying to wake up to start her morning routine, rubbing her eyes.

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