✨Side Story 26: No way!✨

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Art is by Akina!

A/N: if you guys don't really know, in the last work, I had a Q&A chapter where I answered some questions and offered some extra information about the story (don't worry it's not spoilers for anything to come). I do have some extra information to add that I forgot to put in the Q&A which relates to this side story

-Angel talks to Rosaria often (girls gotta stick together) and Rosaria sometimes gives her certain...advice. Crewel does not like most of the advice offered by her, making Rosaria be a bit scared of him

Also, this chapter is a bit shorter than the other few side stories which was a great relief since I didn't have to write, come back, write, come back, etc. I finished in two days compared to 4 or 5! (12/1/23)

"So, what was it you wanted to ask me today?" Rosaria happily asks as Angel stood in front of her, nervous about the next words. Ever since Octavinelle, she's been wondering about a particular 'scene' in her dreams, mainly the two people leaning in close for a kiss, making her blush at it. She didn't know what it really was or why she felt that way, but it's been bothering her a bit. Maybe it's the fact that she didn't know what it was or meant or maybe it was the fact that it could be a tradition only in Twisted Wonderland, but she wanted to know. She hesitantly looked at Rosaria, though a painting, looking at her with curiosity, ready for the words to come out of her mouth. She had a feeling she could at least try to ask her, since she was the only other female (or in this case, IS the only female) in school, making her feel comfortable to share more...intimate...topics with, so to say. Even Crewel had to accept Rosaria as a good friend to her, even though some of her advice is questionable, but luckily realized that Angel was dense enough not to think about the underlaying implications of said advice. Angel sighed as she quietly tells her about the scene of the dream, quietly enough for Rosaria to hear, but not for the other students hanging out to hear at least. Rosaria closes her eyes in thought, letting the words sink in as she listens to Angel, humming when necessary. When Angel finished, Rosaria opened her eyes, seeing that she was red from embarrassment of telling her, and smirked. "You wanted to know what a kiss was, didn't you?" She teases.

Angel looked at her in confusion, the blush still on her face. "T-that's what it was...?"

"Why yes, a kiss!" Rosaria happily says. "It's every girl's dream to be kissed by someone they care about! Why, I was once wanted by men by the miles you know."

"B-but..." Angel speaks. "But why? I don't know why that would happen."

Rosaria laughs. "Darling, if you were surrounded by boys here who have no dating life and fantasies of what's to come for centuries, you would want a love life too. You don't know how many boys tried to come to me for dating advice, what gifts to give, and even what to wear for a meetup with girls in town, leaving me alone in my lonesome, having no choice but to dream for myself. Luckily some of the boys come to talk to me normally, albeit to cheat off the professors, but to talk to me nonetheless." Angel thinks about what she said. A love life...? Rosaria looks at her pensive face and clears her throat. "Anyway, a kiss is shared between two people who care for each other, like friends but more romantically. Especially a first kiss. You want that experience to be very special you know."

"Friends?" Angel asked in confusion. "I care for my friends but there's no way I can do that. I mean, who would want to kiss their friends?"

"You'd be surprised about how many people would want that," Rosaria smirks, thinking about a few specific people who would want to kiss the girl in front of her. "A lot of people would want to kiss their friends. So...." She looks at Angel. "If you're thinking about this, then you want to kiss someone, am I right?"

Into the World of Twisted Wonderland Pt 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora