"Trust me, I wish I knew!" Rory agreed. "I wasn't raised with money, and neither was Shira. You would think that she would like me just based on the fact that we have similar upbringings."

"I guess that's why Dad says he hopes that I turn out more like Ror ythan the spoiled kids that I go to school with." Gigi told them.

"Well your Dad is doing a good job of reigning both on you in. It wasn't like that when you were little. You could have easily turned into one of those entitled brats." Lorelai said as she handed Gigi a fork, and set the cake on the table she had pulled over to the couch. "Rory, April, here are your forks."

"Ok, enough of this drama." Rory told them. "Let's talk about something happy. April, how is school going?"

"It's going great! I am actually graduating soon, with a degree in biological sciences. I was thinking of maybe trying to get a job in a hospital laboratory."

"Where are you looking to go?"

"I don't know. I go back to Connecticut and find a hospital there, or I was thinking of maybe trying somewhere in New York. You're up here, and my parents are only a couple hours away, so I could see you guys all the time if I lived nearby. Or maybe I could go to medical school and become a doctor."

"You should talk to Logan. Maybe he could help you figure things out."

"Dad said that too."

"What about you Gigi? What are you going to do when you finish high school?" Lorelai asked.

"I don't know really. I'm only a freshman, so I have plenty of time to figure it out. Maybe I'll go to Yale like Rory."

"You can go anywhere you want to. Don't let anyone tell you that you have to do something that you aren't interested in. You go where you want to go. Don't go to Yale just because I went there. You can go to Harvard if you want to." Rory told her. "Or go to Princeton, or Stanford."

"You can go to clown college if you want to. You do what is best for you." Lorelai told her.

"My mom went to school in Los Angeles." Gigi told them.

"You can do that too. There are some great schools out there. You can become a fashion designer if you want to. You have great style!"

"I was actually thinking about that. There are good schools both in California and in New York."

"Or you could go to school over-seas. Your mom is still in Paris, right? You could go to school out there if you wanted to."

"Yeah, maybe. We'll see what happens. I have 3 more years to figure out what I want to do."

"Here's a fun subject, what should we name Rory's little jelly bean?" Lorelai asked.

"Yes!!! I love this subject!" April told them. "You can name her Audrey or Elizabeth May."

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