My vision faded in and out as they roughly threw me into the back of a truck. I could hear voices but couldn't make out what they were saying.

The next thing I remember is waking up in a padded white room, my ankles shackled to the ground and my wrists to the wall. I was leaned against the wall sloppily and I felt blood dripping from the side of my head.

My head was pounding and my ears kept painfully ringing.

I grabbed onto the chains that were holding my arms up and pulled myself to my feet. I felt like I got drunk and then got ran over multiple times.

The walls were so bright though there was only one janky lightbulb in the room. I squinted my eyes and could see a security camera in the corner of the tall ceiling with a red light on it.

The door made a click noise and I stood up as straight as I could-which probably wasn't very straight at all.

A women walked in her appearance a bit blurry. But I could see she had long straight hair with gray streaks in it. "Who-" I winced at how loud my voice seemed.

Her boots clicked toward me and the door shut behind her. "Do you know who I am?"

"Why the hell.. would I know you?" I forced out.

"Well I suppose I can't expect you to know. You were only 5."

Am I hearing this lady clearly? What if i'm hallucinating?


"Yes, Marie." I looked up at her puzzled.

"That's not my name."

"It was." she hummed.

"What are you talking about? Get to the damn point already." I mumbled through the sharp ringing in my head.

She scoffed,"I thought that white family would've taught you some manners."

"What?" I asked my thoughts not entirely clicking. I felt like I was dreaming.

"I'm your mother." I forced my eyes to study her features. She had dark eyes, tanned skin, a button nose, and wasn't that tall. She looked like me, or.. I looked like her.

The only difference was my skin was a bit darker and my hair was wavy. I've never known much about my biological parents. My reflection always felt like a stranger.

I spit on her leather boots faintly, "You aren't nothin." I was told my bio mom, Regina, got knocked up from a one night stand. After five years of being an awful mom left me at the park and didn't come back. I hardly remember anything about that fortunately.

The back of her hand flung at the side of my face that wasn't injured. Her rings tore a scratch beside my eye, I could feel the air hit the newly opened wound. I'm not hallucinating.

I almost fell but clung to the chains to hold myself up. After she clocked me it was like I finally remembered what was going on. I left my family and the pain of that wasn't compared to the seeping blood from both sides of my face.

Olli is going to wake up and they are going to have to explain to him why I'm gone. I let myself fall to the ground and began to silently cry.

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