People and Lights

37 16 1

Echo's POV

    I opened my eyes and blocked them from a bright light, my head is killing me. My eyes began to gradually adjust and I realized I was laying in a hospital like bed.

I looked down and an saw my arm handcuffed to the side of the bed. I yanked the handcuffs and looked around seeing a blurry figure of a person,

"Who the hell are you? Where's Olli? Olli!?" I yelled continuously, my voice hoarse as I yanked on the handcuffs.

"He's with his brother, you're both safe." a women's voice said. I ripped the IV out of my arm throwing it onto the ground.

"There's nowhere safe.. I want to see him! Now!" She scurried down the hall instantly.

I took the chance to get up and break the handle off the bed. I slid the cuff off the bar and held my side where sharp pain was more than present. I leaned and set my hand on the bed for support with a wince,

"Echo!" I heard Olli say.He ran to me and hugged my legs gently, bidding relief, my muscles untensing.

"Are you okay?" I said looking him over.

"I found Cody!" he said excited and pointed to the door way. The guy in Olli's locket stood there tall, admiring the sight of his little brother.

A miracle has taken place an I slept through the whole thing.

The women who was talking to me, came in and unlocked the handcuff on my wrist and handed me some water. "Thanks," I said to her quickly reattaching my attention to Olli,

"You found him all by yourself?" I said weakly as I took a sip of water replenishing my dehydration.

"Yeah I did and I protected us until I saw Cody," he said grabbing my free hand.

"I'm so proud of you. " I said, making him grin proudly.

"Cody," Olli waved him over and when he got there he smiled at me. It was a warm smile, but also a tired one.

"Thank you so much, for keeping him safe.You have no idea how much it means to me. I thought...I'd never see him again." He said shaking his head in disbelief in Olli's direction. It's almost like he's suspicious that this is a dream.

"I had a promise to keep, " I looked over at Olli who was still holding my hand, and smiled.

I then looked at him apologetically, "Im so sorry I left you alone Ol, but you handled yourself well, I'm so proud of you. " I gently squeezed his hand.

"You protected him, you did good." Cody said.

"Yeah, you protected me." Olli nodded matter a factly.

I weakly smiled at them both setting the half empty water bottle on the bed, "Thank you guys."

Now that my vision wasn't so blurry I could see how similar the both of them looked to Emma. The resemblance was uncanny.

"Can i ask what this place is exactly?" I asked Cody as I rubbed my heavy eyes.

"A police department, we have a group, and fences. Secure one's." I looked at Olli and he nodded proudly.

"And how long have I been out?"

"Two days." the women said, "I'm Cali by the way."

"Nice to meet you," I said nicely. "-Sorry for yelling at you before."

She chuckled shortly and said, "Completely understandable."

A man with white hair and a white beard, walked in, "Hey there, it's nice to meet you. I'm Lincoln, I was a sheriff here, and now we all live here protected behind fences."he said putting his hand out. I set the water on the bed an shook his hand.

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