Chapter 8: Plotting

Start from the beginning



I know you have a lot on your plate, especially with the Amber situation and keeping yourself healthy for the baby. However, I wanted to inform you of a couple of things I have been noticing. The primarily focus on Simon and Dwight. I did not want to leave all the information in this letter as I feel like it wouldn't be safe for me if Simon were to find it. If you see this please radio me on Channel 7. Tell me where you want to meet and I will be there. 



I dropped the letter and immediately grabbed the walkie. I flipped through the channels until I got to the 7th. "My room 5 minutes" I said. Nothing else. No knowledge of him hearing me. 

5 minutes later there was a knock on my door. I dropped the fork back into my fresh jar of pickles and walked to the door. I opened it and saw, who I assumed was, Mikey. "This better be worth my time" I said walking back to my desk. I sat at my chair and waited for him to come in. He shut the door and walked up next to me. "Thanks for meeting me" he said leaning against the desk. I ignored him at first and opened the drawer. I clicked on the recorder and grabbed a pen to hide it. I sat it on the desk and also grabbed some paper. "Let's skip the pleasantries. Start with Dwight" I said leaning back and crossing my arms. He sighed and looked around. "He has been... talking with Eugene. Secretively. Gregory to. It is starting to get... weird" he said. "Weird how" I asked. I was already annoyed with this conversation. "In the beginning, Dwight was my leader. I was following him for a while. However, Sherry and Dwight were more worried about finding supplies for her little sister. She was a diabetic and they constantly needed to find insulin for her. It was getting to the point where I was starting to talk about the chance that we aren't able to find anymore and she passes away. Dwight was always loyal to both me and his wife. However, when Sherry found out that I was bringing it up and got really pissed off and started making her own complaints. Dwight talked it out and we were fine. In the end Dwight tried to kill me. We haven't talked since" he said. "So how are you both here" I asked a little interested now. "Negan and Simon found us right as Dwight was about to shoot. Had they been any later I wouldn't be here right now. Brought us in" he said. I simply nodded. "What I am getting at is, after a while of being here, Dwight started to disagree with how Negan was running things. We found a small group of people and he didn't like how Negan brought them in and made them work for barely nothing. Dwight has betrayed Negan before. He ran away" he said. There was a soothing silence. "It wouldn't surprise me if he was up to something again" he said. He glanced around again. He himself was acting weird. "What about Simon" I asked finally. "I don't have physical proof of anything with him either. But, I have reason to believe that he went against your order at the dump" he said. I froze. "What reasons" I said leaning forward now. "When they left they all had full clips. When they got back, eventually every person who was with him asked for a new clip in the automatics." he said. I stood up and began pacing around the room slowly. "I want you to get me the records from the past week. If you can just get the day they went to pay them the visit do that". I said. He didn't say anything else. He just left. I had so much to plan...

I didn't even realize I fell asleep. Must have been a good fucking nap cause somehow, I ended up from my chair to being in my bed. My back was so sore. I was also really nauseous. I sat up slowly and leaned forward. My alarm clock read 9:58 pm. No clue when I passed out. I looked up and noticed the light to my bathroom was on. The door was slightly opened, and I could hear someone moving around in there. I slowly reached onto my nightstand and grabbed my knife. I made my way towards the door when I heard the noises stop. I froze. The door began to slowly shift and I threw my knife. The door opened all the way but no one was there. The knife pierced the wall inside the bathroom. I went to grab my gun but heard him. "Well, this isn't the greeting I expected" Negan said. I felt like I couldn't move. I couldn't feel anything. Negan finally stepped out of the bathroom and leaned against the door frame. I couldn't believe it. All the speeches I gave about finding him... I never truly thought he would be back. I couldn't speak. I just ran up to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and was just shocked. "Hey Darlin" he said in his low, soft voice. I felt a tear fall. After being so tough and cold the past few days... it was all falling apart. I pulled back and just looked at him. He cupped my face and smiled down at me. I pressed my lips onto his and felt safe. I didn't even realize how vulnerable I have been feeling lately. When I pulled away every feeling I had came rushing back. I ran from him into the bathroom and dropped to the floor. I barely made it. I threw up everything that I have eaten today. Negan crouched down next to me and rubbed my back. "Damn baby" he said. Finally I was finished and sat back. "I heard you took good care of the place while I was gone" he said cleaning up the mess. "Yep. Made speeches and everything. Some... big decisions" I said quietly. "Like what" he asked crouching in front of me. I sighed. "Amber attacked me again. So I killed her". I could barely keep my eyes open. I was just speaking. "Come on lets get you to bed" he said. He picked me up and walked back to my bed. He laid me down by the wall. "I dont wanna sleep in this" I slurred out. "What do you want princess" he asked walking to my dresser. I didn't know so I didn't answer. I was already almost asleep. Then Negan was on the bed. In only his boxers. "What are you doing" I asked. "Sit up" he demanded. I slowly did. He reached for my shirt and pulled it off. He also unclipped my bra. He threw them both onto the floor and pulled his white shirt over my head. It smelt just like him and I was in love with it. "Lay back" he finally said again. I complied and he pulled off my shorts. I was in nothing but his shirt and my panties. "What are you gonna sleep in" I asked already covering myself. "This is fine" he responded. He crawled under the covers with me and held onto me. "Don't worry baby. I'm back"

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