Chapter 22: The Next Step

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I woke up in the infirmary. I was confused and my whole body was in pain. I sat up and just looked around before hearing footsteps. Dr. Carson rounded the corner and stopped when I woke up. "Well good morning" he said chuckling a little. "What time is it" I asked looking around. I didn't have my watch anymore. "Almost 7 pm". he said grabbing some pills out of a bottle. He grabbed a water from the fridge and came to me. "You never came back to talk about the next step of your pregnancy. I'm assuming your keeping it after that very public announcement Negan did" he said sitting the pills on the table next to me. "What are those" I asked. "Prenatal Vitamins. It will help the babies development. Especially with all the stress you went through last night" he said. I took the pills and started to sit up. "I know you wanna get home but just be careful. I should keep you here for more observation but I am sure Negan will tell you" he said. "Tell me what" I asked putting my shoes on. "You need to rest your body. The best option would be to put you on bed rest for a few weeks. You shouldn't go on too many runs" he said. I nodded and left. I was starving. I havent ate in at least a day and I could tell. I walked to the main floor and people were just looking at me. But it was a sympathetic look. It was odd. I grabbed some food and walked back up to my room. I walked in and the first thing I saw was the hat. I froze in place. The flashbacks of last night came flooding back into my head. Carl was dead. He was gone. And he died trying to save someone. The door swung open and I saw Negan. He just hugged me. I was just numb and broken. I didn't know what to do. "Carls dead" I said. Tears flooded my eyes and I just couldn't hold them back. "I know sweetheart" He just held me. "Where did you go" he said pulling away and sitting me on the bed. "Rosita found me and brought me to were they were hiding out from us. I'm sorry I should have done something but with Carl dying I just couldn't. His wish was for me to be okay and for the fighting to stop. I couldnt have him die thinking I didnt care about what he wanted. I just wanted to spend his last hours with him" I said. "It's okay. I would have never told you no to that. Just use the walkie and let me know next time" he said. I just nodded. "The hat is for when the baby is born." I said grabbing it. "I'll keep that in mind" he said. "Negan grabbed my knife and put it in his holster. "What are you doing" I asked genuinly confused. "Taking away anything you could hurt yourself with" he said. I didnt even argue it. He was right. I would probably relapse again. "Carson said I should rest for at least a week" I said. "Did he" he asked getting teh razors from my shower. "Yeah" I said. "Well then you rest" he said. I rolled my eyes. "Don't even. I am not risking you miscarriage cause of another incident like last night" He said sitting everything on my table. "But I am useless in here. I can fight" I said pleading with him. "If you rest for the week and Carson clears you then you can come back to fighting. Until then make more plans. Do things that wont get you killed" He said. I rolled my eyes again and sat back down. "Exactly" he said. "I'll be back periodically to check on you for the next week. If not me then someone will. Just dont be an idiot about things and with the people that come" he said. "Whatever" I said laying down. "Get some sleep" he said before leaving. I felt useless. All because I was pregnant. I hated knowing I couldnt go anywhere anymore. It sucked. 

I woke up a few hours later to the door opening. I looked over and in came Dwight. "Negan told me to bring you some food" he said. "Why were you with my dad and the others" I asked as he sat the tray next to my bed. "I cant  live by Negans rules anymore. His whole system. I see now that it is wrong" he said. I didnt say anything. "You cant say anything to Negan you need to keep this to yourself" he said. "Why. After everything you have done to me you want a favor from me" I asked confused. "I know its a lot to ask but please" he said. "Get out of my room" I said. "You tell Negan and I'll kill you" he said before leaving and slamming my door. I was just shocked. Negan needed to know. But was it my business. I picked up the tray and began eating what was on it. What do I do. Should I tell Negan about what I knew. Prove my loyalty to him. Or keep Dwight's secret and risk losing the war. It was definitly a tough thing but I think I knew what I needed. 


Authors Note:

I apologize for the long break from writing in not only this story but almost all my others. I got so caught up in my school and other things that I almost forgot that I had these stories unfinished. However, thank you for the support throughout the break. If you haven't yet check out my other stories that I have out. I am unsure about how long I want to keep this story going but be on the lookout for Maddie's story before the dreaded Negan attack. I will be starting that story shortly. Once again thank you for the support. 

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