Chapter 20: Confessions

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I made my way back up to my room. Everyone I passed quickly would step out of the way to let me pass. I was used to it by now. Me being one of Negan's top workers. But now they all know I am pregnant. Yeah it would have gotten out eventually but I didn't expect it this soon. 

I finally made it up to my room and shut the door behind me. I sat my gun on my bed and grabbed a water. It wasn't long before I heard the door open. I turned around and saw Negan. "I'm still shocked you didn't kill her back there" he said shutting the door behind him as he walked in. "It was tempting" I said sitting up on my counter. "So when you heading out" he asked walking over to me. He stopped right in front of me and rested his hands on my thighs. "I figured soon" I said. "Well here, take this" he said handing me a walkie talkie. "What for" I asked. "Radio your dad. Thats the one that they have the other to. Tell him your coming in so he doesn't kill you" he said. I nodded and turned it on. "Actually here" he said taking it back. I watched him fiddle it to the right station. "Put Rick on. We need to have a chat" he said smiling. We waited for what seemed like forever. "What" I heard my dad say. "I have someone hear who needs to talk to you Rick" he said before handing me the walkie. "Hi dad" I said simply. There was a silence in the air. "What do you want" he finally said. "Im coming in to talk. We need to. I wanted to let you know that I am coming in so you dont kill me" I said. "And how do I know that this isn't some trap to kill me" he said. I looked at Negan. "Cause if it was you'd already be dead" I said. Nothing. No response. "I'll be there in about an hour. Don't do something stupid" I said tuning the walkie off. "Want me to come with you" he said. "Do you want to" I asked. "I mean wouldn't your perfect father want to met the father of his grandchild" he said smiling. I rolled my eyes. "You want to I won't stop you" I said jumping down. "I'm coming" he said. "Okay" I said while wrapping my arms around his neck. He grabbed my waist and kissed me. 

We finally got all our stuff and made our way to a car. "I'm driving" Negan said taking the keys from me. "Why I can drive" I said. "You need to rest your pregnant remember" he said. "Negan I can still drive" I said walking to the passenger side of the car. "I don't care" he said getting in. We both got in and we were off. 

I was getting more and more nervous as we went. The closer we got to Alexandria the more my anxiety began to spike. "You good" Negan asked suddenly. "Yeah. Just worried" I said. "About what. Your dad isn't going to touch you. And if he does I'll be there to stop it" he said. "Its not that. I haven't seen him in awhile. We've been fighting. We should be on better terms. But he's a dick and fucked that up" I said. "Damn right he did" he said. I smiled a little and leaned my head back. I was ready. I think

We finally got to the gates of Alexandria and stopped the car. The gates didn't open though. Negan honked the horn a few times and finally the first one opened. I saw everyone. My dad, Carl, Michonne, Daryl, Rosita, Tara. Everyone. I took a deep breath and made eye contact with my dad. "Come on Rick don't make this harder" he said. Finally my dad nodded and they opened the gate. Negan drove in and pulled to the side. We got out of the car while they were closing the gate. They all started walking over to us. "So whats this about" My dad said looking at me. "I thought it was just you coming" he said. "Changed my mind. Wanted to tag along" Negan said. "So what did you want" my dad said turning to me. "We should really talk about this in private" I said looking around at everyone. My dad seemed annoyed before walking off. Me and Negan followed. "What" he said finally stopping and turning around. I looked around and sighed. "I'm pregnant" I said. He stopped and slowly turned to Negan. "What" he said looking at me again. "I'm pregnant. Negans the father" I said. He got visibly pissed and turned around. "After everything. Everything we have been through. You watched him murder Glenn and Abraham right in front of you. Glenn saved you countless times. So did Abe. Then with no care in the world you turn around and fuck him." he said walking up to him. He pulled out his revolver and aimed it at Negan. "What is stopping me from killing you right now" he said. I grabbed the barrel of the gun and twisted his arm. I proceeded to knee him in the stomach and push him down. "I am" I said standing over him. You may have let me, Carl, and Judith lose a parent but I'll be damned if my child loses his father" I said. I heard people running over and turned to see Carl and Michonne. "What are you doing" Carl said walking in front of me as Michonne crouched down next to him. "Carl I am really hoping you will realize that he is nothing" I said. Carl didnt respond. "How the hell did you guys get out anyway. Werent the walkers surrounding you" Michonne asked. I looked at Negan. "Dont worry about it. C'mon sweetheart" he said grabbing my hand and walking away. "Yeah get out of here fucking whore" my dad yelled out. I just laughed to my self all the way back to the car. 

We finally got back to The Sanctuary and I walked straight back to my room. It wasnt long before Negan followed me in there. "I want to talk to you about an attack I'm planning on Alexandria, Hilltop, and Kingdom" He said sitting on my bed. "What's that" I said grabbing him a beer and me water. "They are planning an attack on us. Hilltop still thinks we are locked in here so they will be coming. Simon is going to stop them take there guns maybe kill one of them but let them live. They are the most important right now. Gavin, he is gonna go to Kingdom and find Ezekial. Kill him in front of all them and then they will be staying there. Us. Well we are going to Alexandria with some gets that fire explosives. If they refuse to apologize we blow the place to hell. If they do apologize. One still dies" he said. "So you're willing to wipe out both communities except Hilltop." I asked sitting on the table. "Pretty much" he said. "What about Carl and Judith" I asked. "If we can get them maybe we can convince them" he said. I nodded. I hated the thought of losing Carl and Judith but right now it was a real possibility. "You should rest. We roll out tomorrow. You need to be rested." he said standing up. He walked over to me and kissed me. After he pulled away he just looked at me. "God I wish you weren't pregnant right now. The things I would do to you" he said. "You have wives" I said. He looked down. "You're better then them" he said walking out. I thought about this before getting changed and laying down. 

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