Chapter 23: Never-ending

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I woke up feeling sick. That same aggressive feeling I got almost every morning now. I was smart enough to move the trash can closer to my bed so that I had a closer trip. Sure enough everything that I had eaten in the past few days was going to waste. 

After the terrible feeling past I wiped my mouth and just laid back. "Fuck me" I mumbled catching my breath. I was shaking a little. Something that always happens when I get sick. I slowly began sitting up when the door swung open almost hitting me. "Jesus christ. Watch it" I said dodging the door. I looked up and saw Negan. "Sorry darling. Didn't know you were right there" he said leaning Lucielle against my nightstand. "What you doin' down there" he asked. "Got sick" I said slowly trying to stand up. Negan grabbed me and helped me back onto the bed. This is when I began debating everything. Do I give up Dwights secret. Or not.

We both laid back in the bed and he wrapped an arm around me. "I need to talk to you about something" I finally said. "Oh yeah. What's that sweetheart" he asked fiddling with my hair. "Dwight" I said. "He was in Alexandria" I said. "Well we all were. I would assume he was at some point. I mean yeah he went with that one group to follow the run aways but he came back-

"No I mean he was there. He was with Daryl and Rosita and my dad. When I went down into that sewer system to be with Carl he was there." I said cutting him off. Silence. I couldn't even hear the breaths he was taking. "He came in here yesterday. Said if I said anything he would kill me." I said. I felt Negan immediately get tense. Then he started to get up. 

"Woah, hey where are you going" I asked grabbing his hand. "To pay your little pal a visit." he said. "No" I yelled back. He paused. "Let him play this out. See how far he will take it. Laura went with him as well and none of that group came back. but she is a fighter and sure as hell not gonna give up cause Dwight open fired on some of your men. She will come back and you can get more of a story out of it. Just let him play his game. We wait 2 weeks. If Laura doesnt show up,  we do it with out her. Give Dwight a plan and a layout with maps so he will give it to Rick and the others. He goes and its a fake plan. You throw him in a cell we make them believe the plan is the correct one... then we end it" I said standing in front of him. 

It took Negan a few seconds to respond. "You know darling, I probably never would have though of that. Love having the pricks daughter right next to me. And sometimes in my bed" he said coming closer. "Don't get ideas" I said laughing. "C'mon. You plotting against your dad is probably one of the hottest things i've seen in a long time sweetheart." he said grabbing my waist. "Negan no. We cant. Not with me needing rest and already being pregnant. And you literally saw me throw up 5 minutes ago" I said pointing to the trashcan. "A no is a no" he said sitting on the bed. I nodded and sat next to him. "You can always go see one of your wives" I said. "Eh. Not in the mood for them. They don't do it like you do" he said laying back. "Whatever" I said rolling my eyes. "C'mon. Rest. I have a few hours before I got anything important to do" he said grabbing the blanket. I just smiled and laid back with him. 

Suddenly, I heard a rapid knock on the door. I jolted awake and saw Negan was missing. I looked around confused until the sound of the shower registered in my head. The knocking just kept going. I got up and walked to the door. 

"Jesus fucking christ what the hell do you want" I said annoyed, swinging the door open. I saw a few of Negans men standing there. "Negan here still" they said. "He's in the shower what is going on" I asked. They looked at each other in silence. "You woke me up and I am not even supposed to be out of bed tell me or I will kick your damn ass right now" I said stepping forward. "Carson and the priest are gone" they finally said. "How long" I asked. "Not sure. Guards said they never saw a thing. Might have slipped the fence during the guard switch. 'Bout a 5-minute window." they said. "Get patrols on their trail as soon as they are ready. They couldn't have gotten too far. Fuck Gabriel as sick as he is probably right down the road. Guy can barely stand." I spoke. "Yes Maddy" they said. "Sorry to wake you" they said before walking away. I nodded to myself before shutting the door. Negan walked out of the room dressed. 

"Who was that" he asked. "A few of your guys. Carson and Gabriel are missing" I said. "Carson is gone" he said. I nodded. "The hell you do now. You don't have a doctor" he said. "I will be fine" I said. "What else they say" he said. "Might have done it during the shift change. That 5-minute window. If anyone Carson knows when that is. Couple of them are going out to start looking" I said. "Good. See, you could be a leader" he said. I just shook your head. "C'mon you know you cant believe every lie your daddy told ya" he said. "Just never got a real chance at it" I said laying back in bed. "Well you rest. I am gonna go deal with whatever the world throws at us next" he said before walking out. I just laid there. It was not long before I fell asleep again.

"Darling wake up" I heard Negan whisper. I opened my eyes and saw him crouched down in front of me. I was sweating really bad. The bed was practically soaked. "Whats going on" I said sitting up. "Well was gonna ask you that. Came in to see how you were and there was puke all over the floor. Not to mention it looked like you just jumped into a river" he said. I looked around confused. "I cleaned it up. You don't remember anything" he said standing up. I just shook my head. I couldn't even think straight. I began to get dizzy and couldn't sit up properly. "Woah there" Negan said stabilizing me. He lifted a hand and placed it on my forehead. "Sweetheart your burnin up." he said. He looked around before sighing. "Come on" he said helping me up. "Where" I said weakly. "My room" he said. He held me up and we began walking. 

We made it to Negan's bedroom, and he brought me straight into the bathroom. "You are going to sit in a cold bath. Bring that fever down some. Then I am going to have someone run and get you some meds from Carsons" he said. We slowly lowered to the bathroom floor. The nice cool tile floor underneath me. "Stay here" he said before leaving. I looked around the room and could tell I was hot. I felt like shit. My body was weak so I laid back onto the tile floor cause it would help cool me. At least a little. 

A few seconds passed and I heard the door open again. Footsteps came closer to the bathroom, and I immediately knew it was Negan. "Your little friend is getting you meds. Couldn't find anyone else" he said turning the water on. "Who" I said weakly. "Dwight". I nodded. 

Negan helped me back up and began to undress me. "Nothing I havent seen" he said taking off my shirt. "Lay back" he ordered. I did just as he instructed. He swiftly took of the pants I was wearing and my red panties. "Up" he said helping. He unclipped my bra and stood up. I slowly stood up as he helped. He helped me in and eventually turned the water off. He also grabbed the small trashcan he had. "Here" he said. "If you need me holler" he said walking out. I just laid there. Eye closed letting my self soak in the cool water. 

I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. "Maddy" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and Negan was standing there. Bottle of water and pills in hand. "Take these" he said sitting them on the edge. I did. "Should take that fever down. I sat some close on the counter. Can you get dressed on your own" he asked sitting a towel down as well. "Yeah" I said standing up. "Okay. I will be right out there" he said leaving and closing the door behind him. 

I stood up and got dressed as quickly as I could. Which honestly wasn't that fast. 

After getting dressed I hobbled out the door. "Lay on the couch" he said. "I'm not going back to my room" I asked laying down. "I want to keep a closer eye on you. I am in here more then there" he said. I nodded and closed my eyes. How was I even this tired. 

Even more hours passed and I felt a hand on my shoulder. My fever seemed to have gone down a little. I opened my eyes and it was Negan. "Everything alright" I asked. 

"Carsons dead"

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