Chapter 21: The Next Battle

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I woke up to a lot of arguing outside. I walked out and saw Dwight and Eugene. "What the fuck are you to arguing about" I asked still half asleep. I looked down at my watch Negan found me. "Its only 6am" I said. Dwight glared at Eugene and looked back to me. "Nothing of grave importance. Just a little bickering is all" Eugene said walking away. I looked at Dwight who also walked away. I rolled my eyes and went back to bed. However it was nearly impossible for me to fall asleep. I tossed and turned but nothing. "Ugh" I said sitting up. I stood up and grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom. I stripped down to nothing and turned on the shower. After a few seconds I got in. 

I quickly washed up and got out. I grabbed my towel and dried my body. I got dressed and grabbed a water out of the fridge. I was looking around for something to eat but nothing looked good. I grabbed my knife and gun and walked down to the main floor. Almost everyone was still asleep. 

I got down to where they kept the fresh food and I saw Amber working the table. She looked up at me and glared. "What" she asked. I looked around before picking up a small container of blue berries. She rolled her eyes and wrote my name down. "Have a nice day" she said with a fake smile. "Make it more believable next time" I said walking back upstairs. 

I was in the middle of eating when I got a knock on the door. It was going on 7:30 at this point. I got up and answered it and saw Laura standing there. "What's up" I asked. "Negan called a meeting. Seemed urgent" she said. I nodded and grabbed my jacket and we were off. We got there and Simon, Dwight, and Eugene were already there with Negan. "Rick and his band of dick heads are sending some attack to trap us again. We need to get out of here before they get here. We need to go to the communities and end this. Now." Negan said. He looked around. " Me, Dwight and Maddy will go to Alexandria. Simon you take a crew to Hilltop. Laura find Gavin and send him to Kingdom. Then get back to us. You'll come with us. Tell Gavin we want Ezekial. If they dont cooperate, we kill him. Hilltop stays alive. All but one. Alexandria will apologize. Whoever has the worst apology dies. If they dont answer the door, we blow the place to hell." he said. We were all quiet. "Gear up. Spend the day preparing. We leave tonight" he said sitting down. "Maddy stay" he said. Everyone else left. "I thought I was going to Hilltop?" I asked confused. Negan signed and sat down on the table next to me. "I've been thinking. With you being pregnant I really dont want you out there like that. Leading a group. It's too dangerous. What if something happens to you and our baby". He said grabbing my hand. "I don't want to just sit here being useless" I said standing up getting aggravated. "You could make more plans for us" He said. "What if I go to Alexandria with you and just be a back up fighter" I asked. "Fine. But if you start to feel bad or like you need to stop don't push yourself to hard." He said walking up to me. "Okay. I'll get ready". I said. "Good" he said kissing me. I kissed him back and we left. 

I walked back up to my room and got dressed into something a little better. It was starting to get colder outside so I changed into a pair of skinny jeans, my boots, a dark green t-shirt and a black leather jacket. I grabbed my gun and reloaded it along with my knife and holster. I got a little nauseous and it hit me like a truck. I ran into my bathroom and threw up. I knew I was bound to since I didn't this morning but damn.  I sat back against the wall and closed my eyes for a second. "Fucking pregnancy". I stood up and brushed my teeth to get the horrible taste out of my mouth. I heard a knock on my door and opened it. It was Simon. "Uh hi" I said confused. "Hello Maddy." he said letting himself in. "Sure you can come in" I said leaving the door open. "Just wanted to congratulate you on the baby. You and Negan must be very happy" he said. "Sure are" I said confused. "Wanted to say sorry for Negan assigning Hilltop back to me. I know you've been handling it." he said looking around. "Can we wrap this up. The group for Alexandria is going to be leaving soon". I said opening the door wider. "Sure, sure. Just congrats again" he said walking away. I shut my door and made my way down to the Armory. I grabbed an AR and walked to the car. I sat my stuff in the passenger seat. Assuming I wouldnt be driving. 

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