Chapter 8: Plotting

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I woke up and immediately noticed the soreness throughout my back. "Ugh" I groaned as I rolled out of bed. I grabbed a few more Tylenol and quickly washed it down. There was still no sign of Negan. The odds were getting slimmer and slimmer for him to come back. The only meant that I would be the one to kill my dad. 

I quickly got dressed and began to walk down to the main room. Everyone was expecting to figure out what the gunshot was last night. And I had no problem with telling them. 

I finally made it to the doors and paused for a second. "This never gets easier" I said to myself. I Pulled the doors open and stepped forward to the railing. Everyone immediately grew silent. "There is still no sign of Negan. We won't give up. He will be coming back. However, that is not the reason you all are here. I am sure you are wondering what the gunshot that you all heard was. The one that was shot off late last night." I spoke out. "Well, that gunshot was me." I spoke. Everyone just kind of nodded. "As you all know, when I first got here, I was with the Enemy. I was ready to run away with Daryl at any second. I was scared and confused after what happened with the lineup. The only reason I wasn't tossed in a cell like Daryl was because I stood up for my brother Carl in the lineup. Negan was about to allow Rick to cut of Carl's arm. I stepped up and said if anyone was to lose their arm it should be me. Negan directed his attention to me and left the others alone." I paused for a few seconds. "Long story short I went from being an outsider, to being someone that Negan noticed was strong. I became a wife. Then a leader who goes to Hilltop to get supplies. Now I am leading all of you until he gets back" Another pause. "However, there has always been one person who was constantly coming to me with issues. At that would be Amber. On multiple occasions she would find new ways to attempt to kill me. She lost everything. Well last night as I was bringing my dirty dished back down here before bed, she attacked me once again. Beat me up in the middle of the hallway. This was probably the third or fourth time she attacked me. Twice while being pregnant. So, I defended myself and stabbed her in the back of the leg with a fork. Once she was down, I held my knife to her throat and made her beg for her life. I made her apologize and give me the reason she did the things she has done". I scanned everyone's faces and they were just watching me. "To sum it up she didn't have a good enough reason to be trying to murder me. So, I killed her." I spoke. There was not too much reaction. Some of the wives who were close to her were upset a little but most of them probably saw it coming. I think everyone probably did. "Let her be an example that her kind of behavior will not be tolerated. Even without Negan" I said before stepping back a few steps. "Dismissed". 

After I finished the speech, I walked towards the pantry to get my breakfast for the day. I saw Arat there as well with a basket of Strawberries. "Hey" I said as I grabbed a basket. Why not get a few other things to keep in the fridge as well. "Hey. Great speech" she said walking up to me. "Yeah. If only Negan was here. I hate the public speaking part of things." I chuckled out. I grabbed a thing of homemade pickles, fruit, vegetables, and some drinks as well. "You learn anything" I asked quietly. "Not yet. He seems like he wants to trust me but, he hasn't said much" she said. I simply nodded. "Well, I have a lot of planning to do. We haven't attacked in a while, so we need to start thinking about the possibilities for them to attack us" I said. We finished up our conversation and signed for the stuff. 

I made my way back up to my room. Everyone stepping aside as I walked. Every single time I notice this it always makes me feel so much more powerful. 

I finally made it back to my room. There were a few papers sitting on the ground in front of my door. I audibly sighed. I picked them up and opened the door into my room. I walked the basket to the fridge so the food would not expire and sat at my desk. Nothing about the letters was sticking out to me. One was written by someone who was a worker and was asking for a point boost since they had a baby coming. One was from the wives asking for more information about Amber and what they are going to mean to Negan when I have my kid. However, the third and final letter stuck out like a sore thumb. It was written by some worker. Someone name Mikey who had been one of Negan's fighters for a while. Never personally met him but heard his name once or twice. I quickly began reading the letter.

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