Chapter 18: What if...

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I woke up and instantly ran to the bathroom. As soon as I got in front of the toilet I threw up. After a few seconds I sat back against the wall. "Fuck" I muttered out of breath. I stood up and flushed the toilet and washed my face. I walked out and Negan was sitting up. I looked at the time and it was 5:49. "Fuck did I wake you up" I asked rubbing my face. "Yeah. Your knee hit my dick when you ran off" he said looking up at me. "Sorry" I said giggling a little. He just stared at me. I was wearing really short shorts. I also had a white tank top on with one strap not completely on my shoulder. I also wasn't wearing a bra. And you could tell. "What" I asked. "Nothing. Your just really hot" he said still staring at me. I rolled my eyes and walked back over to him.  I sat on the bed and leaned on his shoulder. "You feel okay" he asked grabbing my hand. "I think so. If it gets worse I'll see Carson" I said closing my eyes. "Hey we have at least another 2 hours before I have to go. Lets get back to sleep" Negan said. I nodded and laid back. He also laid back right next to me wrapping his arms around me. 

It wasn't long before I felt the bed start moving again. I opened my eyes and saw Negan getting dressed. "Hey you stay asleep. If I need you I know where to find you" he said crouching down in front of me. I nodded and closed my eyes again.

Even more time passed by and when I finally woke up again it was almost 11. "Fuck" I said sitting up. I felt like crap. I got dressed and leaned against the counter for a second. It doesn't make sense for me to be sick from the alcohol. I didn't drink last night. And why two days in a row so early. Then it hit me. Could Negan have gotten me pregnant a week ago when we were both drunk. My heart rate climbed. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" I said pacing around. I grabbed my gun and made my way to Carson. When I got there I saw Gabriel there. Sick. Really sick. "Katie, why you rushing in here is everything okay" Carson asked me. "Uh" I said speechless starring at Gabriel. "Here come here" Carson said leading me to his office. "Whats up" he asked again a little more concerned. "I think I might be pregnant" I said. "Negan" he asked. I nodded. "What makes you think that" he said writing some stuff down. A while ago we were drunk. Had sex. Wasn't protected. Ive been waking up sick all week" I said. "Do you and Negan usually use a condom" he asked next. "No he pulls out" I said. "Then your chances are really high. Here" he said handing me a test. "Take these when you are ready. Then come back and we will figure it all out" Carson said. I nodded and took the tests from him. I walked back to my room freaking out. I went straight into my bathroom. I shut and locked the door behind me. I was terrified to find out the answer. I sat the tests on the bathroom counter and started to freak out. I was having a mild panic attack. "Shit. Shit. Shit" Is all I could say. I splashed my face with water and started to slowly calm down. My heart rate was still obviously high. I took a deep breath and knew I had to take the tests. So I did. Both of them were next to each other on the counter. I was waiting for them to register. I watched as one line slowly began to appear on both tests. Until there was a knock on my bathroom door. "Katie are you in there". It was Negan. "Uh yeah. One sec" I said. I opened the drawer and pushed both tests into it. I threw the box away and hid it underneath some other stuff. I unlocked and opened the door. "What's up" I said looking at him. "You okay" he asked looking inside the bathroom. "Yeah. Just got a little nauseous again. Nothing to concerning" I said. "Have you seen Carson" he asked. "I don't need to. I'll be fine. This kinda stuff always happens to me. It will go away in a few days." I said. Fuck I was a terrible liar. "Okay. I came to ask you if you felt good enough to go watch over an outpost for a while. Make sure your dad don't do anything stupid" he asked. "Sure. I'll head out there in 20 minutes. Just draw me a map for where" I said. He nodded and grabbed my waist. He pulled me in and kissed me. I kissed him back until he pulled away. When he did he walked straight out of my room. I shut the bathroom door and grabbed my gun and knife. Without anymore thought of the tests I left. Not thinking anything of it. 

After a very uneventful day at one of Negan's outposts all I wanted to do was go home. About halfway home though I remembered the tests. Still sitting in my drawer. I started to get nervous. What if I was pregnant? What would Negan do? What would my dad do?

I finally got home. I went straight up to my room. I walked in and turned my light on only to see Negan sitting at my desk.  I was really confused. "What are you doing here" I asked sitting my gun on the bed. I sat my knife on my end table and stood there. He slowly turned around and looked up at me. "Everything okay" I asked really confused. He sighed and stood up. "I came by after you left to see if you made anymore plans that I missed. When I did I noticed a wrapper on your bathroom floor. When I threw it away I noticed the box. I found your tests" he said holding both of them out to me. I froze. My heart dropped to my stomach as I searched every inch of my mind for a response. I couldn't find one though. I took the tests and looked at both of them. Both of them had two lines. I was pregnant. I slowly looked up at him. He looked stressed. Still, no words were coming to my mind. Nothing. It was blank. "When were you going to tell me" he asked finally breaking the silence. "I-. I don't know. I was hoping they would have been negative. So I wouldn't have to." I said still in shock. "Why didn't you tell me you were having a pregnancy crisis to begin with" he asked. "Because I didn't know I was until I put the pieces together this morning" I said sitting on my bed. Thats when I realized. "Fuck" I said. "hmm" Negan responded. "I was drinking the other day. Like alot. To get you out of my head. I was drinking heavily while pregnant" I said sitting the tests on my end table. Negan sat next to me. "What do I do" I asked. "It's up to you. It's your body. If you keep it you keep it. If you don't you dont" he said. There was an awkward silence. "I know what you need to do though" he said. "What's that" I asked. "You need to tell your dad"

It Could Be A Whole Lot Worse SweetheartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora