"What, Andrew? Geez! I told you I'm done. What part of that don't you understand?" She yelled angrily into the phone.

"Listen to me, Sienna. Listen!" Andrew yelled back into the phone. The sound of the engine in the background let Sienna know he was driving.

"Don't show up at my house. My whole family is here, Andrew. Don't you dare!" Sienna replied, walking toward the sidewalk to avoid having anyone hear her.

"I just need five minutes to explain. PLEASE." He exclaimed.

Before Sienna knew it Andrew had pulled into the driveway.

"Get. Out." Sienna said, pointing toward the street.

"No! You can't just do this, Sienna. It was an accident, it happened one time." He replied, running out of the car toward her.

"An accident?" Sienna let out a loud sarcastic chuckle. "You're so full of shit, Andrew." She responded, turning her back to him.

Andrew made a grab for her arm. Sienna quickly pulled her arm away and took a step back.

"I'm asking you nicely, please do not make a whole thing out of this in front of my family. If you don't do this for me please do it out of respect for them." Sienna pleaded.

"No, I want to talk to your parents. They'll talk sense into you. They love me, they'll understand this is just an overreaction on your part." He replied, walking toward the front door.

When Andrew got to the porch steps he was met by Sienna's mom who had just opened the door.

"Is everything alright here?" She asked, she was like a protective mama bear ready to pounce.

"Yeah, Sienna and I are trying to work something out but she refuses to listen. Please Mrs. Phoenix, can you please tell her to listen to me." Andrew replied, suddenly putting on his most charming tone. He looked at Sienna's mom with the biggest puppy dog eyes ever.

Just as Sienna's mother was about to respond, the rest of the family decided to step out to see what the commotion was about.

"Hey, didn't she ask you to leave?" Paige asked, calmly.

Andrew laughed and walked up to Paige's face.

"This...this doesn't concern you. So, why don't you pack your bags and get your lesbian ass out of here. You're freaking gross and there's a special place in hell for people like you." Andrew replied, waving Paige off.

Everyone's eyes were now on Paige who stood there in shock. Andrew had just outed her in front of Sienna's parents. Anger and rage overtook Paige. She wanted to slap him but instead she knew she had to refrain. She had to be the bigger person and let this go.

"You're a scumbag, dude. I'm not even wasting my time with you. You're pathetic and a shitty ass wannabe player who peaked in high school. It's all downhill from here, hun. I feel sorry for you." Paige responded, smiling and folding her arms in front of her chest.

"Yeah, whatever, dike." Andrew replied, taking one last dig at Paige.

This was the straw that broke the camel's back. Paige took a step toward Andrew when she felt herself being held back by hands wrapped around her waist from behind. She realized Sienna was behind her keeping her from attacking Andrew. Instead, Sienna's dad stepped in between her and Andrew.

"Andrew, boy...I think it's best if you just walk away." He said firmly.

"Sir, if you just give me a second to explain. Ever since this girl came into Sienna's life all she has done is feed her ridiculous ideas. It's absolutely insane, I think she's in love with your daughter and she's doing everything she can to get us to split up. Sir, we are a family. You've known me since I was a boy, you've got to listen to me." Andrew begged.

"Boy, you ain't shit. I don't know what you've done to Sienna to get her all worked up but let me tell ya, you better pray I don't find out because if I do I will take care of it. I've got a shotgun collection and shovels I've been dying to use." Sienna's dad replied. Standing menacingly close to Andrew. "Now, step away from my property."

"Mrs. Phoenix, this is absolutely ridiculous." Andrew responded, taking steps back.

"No, son. You're ridiculous and your treatment of not just my daughter but also of Paige shows a lot about your character. I wouldn't be caught dead calling your family after the vile things that have just come out of your mouth." She replied, staring at Andrew angrily.

"Fine. Forget all of you, then. I don't need this shit!" Andrew responded, taking a seat in his car and slamming the door.

The family watched as he sped off leaving tire marks on the street.

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