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Mrs Martinez POV:

Continuing on our search for my husbands killer, we took the car to go see crazy Joe. Now here are some things to note about the senile old man, he's in his 70s last I had checked and although he's a complete and utter weirdo, he does have a tragic story to tell.

Like me, he is a widow. I believe it was 20 years ago that his wife died. Someone broke into their trailer and brutally murdered her while he was out on a hunting trip. Poor guy returned home to discover his wife's mangled corpse on the floor. The worst part about it was that she was pregnant.

From there, he went into a downward spiral. He didn't believe the killer was human. Claimed it was some kind of monster. He went from a somewhat civilised red neck white trash to a crazed old conspiracy theorist.

We finally got to his place and parked our cars near his trailer. The boys and I made our way over and knocked on the door for him. "Joe! We need to talk! Could you let us in?" Adam yelled.
"AH! VISITORS!" We heard in a southern accent coming from behind us. It made me jump.

"Oh. Joe. There you are. We need to talk about something, and we think your expertise may help us." Adam said to him. With a big smile on his grubby face,  Joe replied, "Ofcorse! I just finished cooking lunch! Are any of ya'll hungry? Come around the back!" He beckoned us to behind the trailer.

There, we were greeted with a pot over a campfire and some moody camp chairs. Reluctantly, the boys and I sat down in them. He took a ladle and some bowls, handing us his concoction of... I don't know what it was. It looked like shit. "Now what was it yous was visiting me for?"

I turned to Micheal, who then explained the whole situation to him. What he saw that night, what we currently knew, and who (Y/N) was. "Ah, and what does this (Y/N) look like, bubba?" He asked, trying to get a gouge on who this girl may be. Micheal described her to Joe as Joe nodded and stroked his beard, which was in desperate need of a wash.

Joe then proceeded to stand up and light a cigarette. "I told that darn girl not to go into that forest. They never listen." He shook his head. I looked at Adam confused, and he shrugged. "When was this? And what do you think happened to her?" He turned and gave me a glance.

"This happened a few months ago. She didn't heed my warnings and went into the forest with those headphones of hers on. She looked timid like a rabbit. Later that night, when I was out searching for forests for those dang gnomes that kept stealing from my bean stash, I heard screams. Girly screams. Obviously, I've seen her around town since, but I'm sure she came across something she wasn't supposed to see." We all listened intently as Joe said his peace.

"However, recently, post your husbands death, my condolences to you and your family, I've been seeing someone that matches her description wandering around the forest, hanging with one of the cryptids. I don't get close, of course, because I don't want to get harmed, of course. But I know one thing is for sure, any that guy she hangs out with is not human." He drew from his cigarette.

I turned to the others, and they nodded, indicating that it was time for us to leave. While he had his back turned, we chucked away the leftover stew and stood up. "Well, it was nice visiting, but we really need to get going now. Nice talk." Joe just stared into the distance with his back turned to us, almost in a trance like state.

We got up and left. This was new and valuable information. Now we just needed to find them and avenge our husband.

(Y/N) POV:

You know, recently, I've found that I've been going through some changes. Not huge ones, but ones that have been noticeable to myself. For starters, I think I've gotten a little taller. I also feel as if I've lost some weight, too. These two are OK enough. However, I've noticed a slight change in the colour of my eyes. There is nothing noticeable at first, but I can see it, and I get more hungry than usual, which is also odd.

I was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth, when I noticed a weird feeling in my gums. I immensely stopped brushing and felt along them. One of my teeth was wobbly. This wasn't good. I rinsed out my mouth to get the remaining toothpaste out, when along with the water, fell out 5 teeth.

This shocked me, obviously. What the fuck was happening. I stood there for a few moments trying to figure out what to do, and in a panick, I grabbed my teeth and immediately went back to Jack's room.

I barged in, he was lounging on the bed reading a book. Jack looked up at me and saw the panick on my face, "What's wrong? Are you ok? What happened? " a tone of worry in his voice. With a shaky hand, I presented my teeth to him. His face went from a little worried to very concerned. "What the fuck. Are those yours?" I nodded.

He gulped and stood up. "Ok, I may not be a dentist, but may I have a look?" He said, moving his hands to my face. I nodded again, opening my mouth. He got his phone torch and had a look inside. I could feel his fingers move around my mouth and running along where the new gaps between teeth were. "What the fuck?" He muttered again.

"What's wrong?" I said as he moved away. "It seems like you're growing... new teeth?" I looked at him with visable confusion, and he went on to explain, "I could see what looked to be new teeth emerging where your old ones fell out. But what's particularly odd is that these ones are particularly sharp and pointy."

We stood there for a while, contemplating what to do. I looked down at the teeth in my hand and put them in my pocket. "Should we see The Operator about this?" He looked down at me, "not yet. We should wait. He doesn't deal with things like this. Only drastic stuff." I nodded.

"You know how I've been changing, right? I've lost weight, I've gained high, my eyes are changing, and so has my appetite. Do you think this has something to do with this?" He could hear the worry and cracks in my voice as I said this. He brought me close into an embrace and hugged me tight, stroking my head as he did so in an attempt to comfort me. "Well, no matter what happens, no matter how much you change, I have and will always love you no matter what."

I hugged him back, practically clinging to him. This is what I needed right now. It's always good to have someone to comfort and support you.

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