Who the hell starts a conversation like that!

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After dropping off my clothes back at my apartment, we kept just walking down the street and around the town, having a great time. Talking and hanging out with him was actually really pleasant.

"You wanna go to the mall or something?" He asked. I didn't even know there was a mall around here because the town is pretty small. "Sure, let's check it out. I've never been. Lead the way, then." I replied.

We got there within a reasonable amount of time. It wasn't the biggest of malls. It only had two stories, but then again, the ceilings were quite high, so I guess there was that. Like the rest of the town, it was somewhat run down. It looked like it was built in the 80s, judging by the interior.

We walked around the place. There weren't many shops. Of course, you had your clairs, random clothing shops, a few cafes, and ice cream shops, but apart from them, there wasn't much else. Plus, all the clothing stores just had your average, basic, fast fashion stuff, which wasn't really my style. And I don't need any more clothes, so nah.

We got ice cream together and sat down at one of the benches by the fountain, which didn't even work properly. He got dark chocolate brownie ice cream, whereas I got honey comb.

I could feel the lack of conversation going stale, so I turned to him and said, "Hey, so if there are infinite universes with infinite possibilities... do you think there's a universe where there are cheeked up aliens?" He turned and gave me a look. The silence was so loud. "Who the fuck starts a conversation like that?"

His reaction almost made me burst out laughing but I kept my composure. "Yeah, but if you think about it, I'm right, aren't I!" He just shook his head. "So you're telling me you start talking about infinite universes and aliens. Not even something cool like if these aliens could travel through time and perhaps across multiple universes? No. You're more concerned about the possibility that E.T. has a BBL in one of these universes."

I nodded and smiled. He just shook his head. I could hear him mutter, "absolute weirdo," under his breath. This made me chuckle because he was one to talk. No eyed, three tounged, grey skin, elf eared, looking ass freak.

"Wanna go to the thrift store after this?" I suggested. "No! You don't get to say something that fucking insane and then go back to saying normal stuff. You don't get to do that."
"Yeah, I know... but can we still go to the thrift store. Please." He didn't reply to me. "Jack. Common Jack. Please. Can we go to the thrift store, Jack? Please?" I kept poking and prodding. He let out an annoyed sigh,"If it'll make you shut up."

"YUPPIE!" I said, shaking my arms and flicking my wrists. We finished our ice cream and stood up.


Why do I always attract the odd people? Then again, I can't really say anything because I'm not exactly normal, mentally or physically. I guess I like thrift stores. But they can always be a bit of a hit or miss.

We make our way to the thrift store. They practically bolt into there with how fast they were. They're  pretty excited for someone in a thrift store. I caught up to them as they inspected the random collection of items on the shelves and tables.

It was mostly junk, but there were a few things that caught my eye. (or lack of). But I didn't have the money at the moment to buy anything, so I just let (Y/N) do their thing.

Eventually, we passed some lamps, and this seemed to catch their attention. From what I could tell from their body language, they were particularly interested in this tiffany style butterfly shaped lamp. I'll admit. It was pretty.

"How much is it?" I asked. They looked at the price tag, "says its $35." They said with a sigh. "Ah, that's a little pricy." I said under my breath. They staired at it for a bit longer before they made their final decision.

They picked the lamp up and made their way to the counter. "I mean, it's a pretty nice lamp, isn't it." They nodded and smiled. (Y/N) paid for their new lamp, and they seemed to be really giddy about it. It was kinda sweet.

It was beginning to get dark so I turned to them as we left the building and said, "Hey, it's been really nice hanging out with you. I'd love to hang out longer, but I think it would be best if I started heading. I got back to the mansion." They looked up at me and smiled. "It's been nice hanging out with you too, Jack. I really enjoy your company. But before you go, could I please get your number?"

I pulled out my phone, and we exchanged numbers. I waved goodbye and turned to walk away until I heard (Y/N) yell out,"Actually, Jack, quick favour. Could you walk me back to my apartment building? By the time I'm halfway there, it'll probably be dark by then." I turned and looked at them.

I mean, it wasn't a big ask. Plus, it just meant spending more time with (Y/N). "Yeah, sure, why not." I said as I started walking beside them. They were right about it being dark halfway to their apartment.

All was fine, and dandy right up until (Y/N) suddenly stopped in their tracks. I was confused and looked down at them. They seemed to have seen something up ahead that scared them. I wasn't sure what. All I saw was just a group of guys, some street lights, bushes, buildings, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary. No monsters or entities of any kind.

"What's wrong?" I asked them. "I... um... nothing. Let's just keep moving..." They replied. I knew they were lying. Hiding something from me for whatever reason. But I didn't press it because they didn't seem to want to talk about it.

I noticed how they started walking closer to me as we kept going. Why they were acting so strange was confusing to me. Everything was fine up until this point.

Their behaviour was perplexing until we started walking past that group of guys. "Who's your new boyfriend? Hm?" I heard one of them ask. Now I understood what was happening here. "Fuck off..." I heard (Y/N) mutter under their breath. I noticed the men looked offended. "The fuck did you just say to me you little bitch? Just because you have your boyfriend with you doesn't mean you're protected. Slut."

I guess I knew who's kidney I'd be eating next. This is when (Y/N) turned around and said, "Right, I tell you what you fat little cunt. You're boaring, you don't sound like someone I'd like to associate with so go fuck yourself. Go crawl back into the dirty, dank, little hole, where you fucking come from, your dirty, dragon eating, fucking spastic."

My eyelids widened as they said this. My jaw dropped. Slam dunk! However, this just seemed to piss off the group of men even more. They started to close in on us. Even I was getting a little nervous. So I grabbed (Y/N) by the hand and started running. I didn't know where I was running. I just needed to get them to safety before this got ugly.

I ran, and I ran, dragging (Y/N) along with me. I didn't know where I was going. I just kept running. Eventually, I ran down an ally way to try loose but instead I lead us to a dead end.

(Y/N) backed themselves into a corner, I could see the panic in their face. I move infront of them as I see one of the men pull out a switchblade. This was the moment I knew someone was going to die and it wasn't going to be me or (Y/N).

However it was at this moment, (Y/N) did something that I would've never seen comeing.

Stop. (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant