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I was in the mansion kitchen working on dinner. Thank god I had memorised that one aisan dude on tik tok and his recipes. I was making a kind of stir fry and some duck dumplings. Thankfully, the pantry seemed to have literally every food ingredient known to man.

However, I couldn't shake off that encounter I had earlier on. What was that thing? What was that red smoke? Why did it hug me? Do I now have superpowers, or am I going to die? Or is it going to be a bit like the fly where in the beginning I get really strong and physically healthy then slowly over time I turn into a deformed, gross, fly/man hybrid. That would be funny. I'm not going to lie. These thoughts made me chuckle out loud.

"What's set you off then?" I heard from behind me. I turned to see it was LJ. Laughing Jack. Or as many people in the mansion liked to call them, emo pennywise. "Oh, just thinking of something funny I saw earlier." I replied. I was technically lying, but I did actually see something funny on my phone earlier, so that's ok. "What did you see?"

I pulled out my phone and showed them a video of an angry Scottish man yelling at his dog, calling it a "sossage roll looking twat." LJ laughed hard when they saw this. "Poor thing!" They said as they continued to laugh, until they abruptly stopped. "What the fuck is that?" They said pointing behind me. I turned around and what do I see?

Nightmare fule. A house millipede was on the floor and it was a big one too. I bolted out of the room and so did LJs lanky ass. "Oh nah. I'm not messing with that." LJ nodded in agreement. Nina walked past us and into the kitchen before letting  out a screech and abruptly returning. "LJ! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! GET RID OF THAT THING!"
"YOU'RE THE MAN! YOU SORY IT OUT!" Just as she said that, Lj stared at her for a few seconds before suddenly morphing into a female version of themselves. "I forgot you're gender fluid."

Lui heard the commotion and then came over. "What's going on?"
"Housd millipede in the kitchen." I said. "Gross. I'm not touching it. Get Jeff to do it. Actually... I have a plan..." he said as a mischievous smile crossed his face. "And that is?" Nina smiled with the same smirk. "Let's get Toby." All three of them giggled mischievously as I waited for them to get Toby as I was outside the kitchen door.

They soon came back with him, and he just strolled in and scooped the thing up in a plastic tub and some paper. I think I could see where this was going as they walked off, and I followed. All three snickering. We passed EJ in the hallway, and he decided to come along with us. We got to Jeff's room, and he was napping. He had an eyemask over his face, probably needed it for his lack of eyelids.

We all stood at the doorway as Toby crept in and gently placed the millipede on Jeff's face. Toby then crept away, and we waited a few seconds before LJ busted put with, "WAKEY WAKEY JEFFREY!"

Jeff groaned and took his eyemask off before screeching. I have never heard a man sound like that but he screamed like a bitch and it was the funniest thing ever. We all just started bursting out laughing and made a run for it. Lui and LJ dispursed as Nina, Ej, and I just returned to the kitchen.

I had almost finished my cooking, and Nina and Jack had just hung around for a while. "So I heard you both are sleeping in the same bed?" She said with a giggle and a wink to Jack. "Only because (Y/N) doesn't have a room yet. Eye roll. I have to say that because I don't have eyes." We all chuckled at this.

Nina turned to me and said, "his clothes are comfy, right? I know from personal experience. Make the most of them while you can." She smiled. "Oh? Why were you wearing his clothes?" I asked. This was an odd statement for her to make. Jack spoke up, "Oh, because we dated for a bit. Don't worry, we ended on good terms." He's said trying to reassure me. Nina nodded in agreement. "Were just friends now. Besides, I have my eyes on someone else."

"Spill the tea." I said as I checked on the dumplings that I had been steaming. "Oh, just someone who may be a proxy... kinda pretty... speaks German..." She blushed as she continued. "Oh, I think I know who you're on about." EJ chuckled. "Someone who's name begins with a T by any chance? Your secret is safe with us."

They continued with their convocation. They just seemed like really close friends to me. Plus, I enjoy listening to people talking as I'm doing stuff like cooking and cleaning. And it took my mind off things a little. I finally finished what I had been preparing and Layed everything out on the table for everyone to eat. Along with some jugs of water and soda bottles.

I saved some for myself and retreated to some place else. I didn't want to eat in Jack's room, nor did I want to eat in the open where I could come across someone else. Sometimes, I get self-conscious while eating, and I feel asif everyone else has their eyes on me.

I wandered around the mansion, a small bowl of dumplings and vegetable stir fry in my hands until I found a passage way behind a curtain. It was a little cold in there, and the walls were pretty bare bones considering the fact the rest of the mansion had what I'd consider to be posh and extravagant walls, decorated with painting, photos and beutiful wall paper patterns. This passage was just brick and cream coloured paint.

I went down it until it devieed up into a set of slopes, which I then climbed up. They ended up taking me to what I presumed was an outdoor area of the mansion, surrounded by the roofs that sloped down into this middle area. However there was there kind of cubby hole, similarly built to the passage way, and at the end there was a marble stone, embedded into the floor, with a large bowl like dip in it. Symbols carved into it. I just sat down and ate beside it, leaning against the wall.

I finished my food relatively quickly and set my bowl aside me. I breathed out but then quickly covered my mouth. Did I just see red smoke?

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