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Now I was working at this diner. I didn't have to totally worry about the rent I would have to cover after three months of living here and having to worry about groceries. Now I can afford fruit!

Sure, it was minimum wage, but I'm only contracted to work six hours a day and five days a week. So if my math is right, that constitutes to around $850 per month, and my rent is only $500 a month so in turn that leaves me with $350 left for groceries and spending money.

Anyway, my first day working at this place wasn't too bad. Sure, I had a couple of rude customers, but not too many people came in here. When there wasn't really anything for me to do, my manager just let me fiddle with my phone until there was something to do.

I have been working there now for five days. Today was Friday, and now I could get the weekend off. It was about halfway through my shift until I saw those same three guys from the mansion come in. This time with a girl in tole. She had messy, long, black hair and wore a hoodie.

They sat down at one of the booths, so I decided to approach them. "Heya! What can I get you guys!" I said, pulling out my notepad and pen. "Four coffees, please." I nodded as I noted that down and went to get them their coffee.

I handed them their mugs before saying, "Would you like me to get you anything else?" They all looked at each other before the girl spoke up, "Yeah, we would like your name, please." I shrugged and said, "My name is (Y/N). What are your names?"
"Brian." They went around saying their names. I smiled. It's nice to know their names.

"Sit with us." I looked around the diner. There wasn't really anyone else around apart from the cooks out back and a couple of other waiting staff also sitting at booths. So I sat down with them, Kate and Biran shuffled over so I could sit with them.

There was a silence until Toby spoke up. "So... you work here now?" I nod in response. "Oh, ok. Well, so you know, we come here every week on a Friday." He said with a half smile. There was another silence.

"That fight between you and EJ was pretty funny," said Tim, "Nina caught it on video. We've all seen it." He let out a chuckle. "Oh, which one is Nina?" I ask. "The girl with the scene clothes." Replied Toby.

They went on to name everyone who lived at the mansion and described their appearance to me, so I knew which ones to identify. From my understanding, everyone there was either a monster of some kind or a serial killer. EJ seemed to fall into both categories, apparently.

"So, who's mansion is it then? Do one of you guys own it, or is it a communal thing, or do you vote who gets to be in charge every month?" I asked. "Oh, the operator owns it." Said Kate.
"The Oporator?"
"Also known as Slenderman, yes." My eyes widened as she said this. I thought the slenderman was only a creepy urban legend and videogame character. But u guess not.

"Yeah. Ten foot tall, no face, tentacles. That guy." Exclaimed Brian. I nodded. I guess that's not too hard to believe.

Right as we were about to continue with our lovely conversation, my manager came up to us, "Hey, (Y/N), could you get back to work, please?" I quickly stand up, "Yes, ofcorse." I turned to them before saying bye and getting back to what I was supposed to be doing.

The rest of my shift went OK, but it was pretty dull. Eventually, it was time for me to clock out, and that's just what I did. It was dark out by this time and cold. Thankfully, I came prepared with a jacket of mine.

I was makeing my way back to the apartment, walking in the streetlights, when I saw a group of men up ahead. I didn't recognise any of them. I didn't want to engage with them so I just turned the music on my headphones down and pretended to be doing something on my phone.

As I passed them, I could hear wolf whistles and derogatory comments over lapping eachother. But I could still make out what disgusting words they were saying. They stank of alchohol.

This put me on edge. "Hey slut! Why don't you come over here and gimme a kiss." One of them said. I just kept walking. My heart was pounding in my chest full of hatred and fear. "Answer him bitch!" Another called out.

I began to walk faster, trying to lose them. But they began to follow me. I may know some self defence but there's no way I can take five, grown ass men, at once.

Fear filled me as they kept following me. Attempting to catch my attention. It didn't help that they were beginning to become more and more agressive as I kept depriving the of the attention they wanted.

I wasn't too far from my apartment now. But I had to loose these creeps somehow. I was just thinking about that when all of the sudden one of them grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him.

My eyes widened in shock and fear. I was so nervous. I felt nauseous. "Why don't you come to my house tonight so me and my friends can have some fun with ya?" He slured his words as he spoke. Once he said this, I yanked my arm away and started running.

Running for my life. I could hear their laughs as they chased after me. Finally I saw my apartment building and ran into it. They followed me in.

I was beginning to lose my breath and my legs were beginning to fail me. But I kept running. Running up those stairs. I finally made it to my appartment, rushed in, then locked the door behind me. They knocked and banged on the door, trying to open it. As I leaned my back against the wall.

I slumped down to the floor, curled up in the fetal position. A shaking, sobbing mess. I could bearly think in that moment. I was scared. I was scared the door would break. I was scared they could get in. I was scared of what they'd do to me.

The only thing I could think of was just a plea. I don't know who I was pleading to. Please don't break my door. The only sentence I could think. I don't know for how long but eventually they gave up and left.

That however didn't change anything for me. I was still in my same distressed state. I couldn't move. I could only let tears run down my cheeks as I shook on the cold hard floor.

I spent the next few hours like that. I don't know for how long. By the end, my eyes stung from the salt and dryness of my tears, my face was puffy, my head hurt.

I wanted to get up. To move. But I couldn't. The slightest movement outside my door made me jump and cry again.

I didn't know what to do. What was I supposed to do?

Eventually, I stood up. I was wabbley. I stumbled to the kitchen and chugged down some water before pouring it into my goblet and collapsing into bed.

Bed is safe. Bed is good. I like my bed.

Stop. (Eyeless Jack x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu