You're being mugged!

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I've never liked hurting people. Killing and eating other human beings isn't my doing. I can help it sometimes. Ever since that cult put this... thing... inside me, bearly could control myself. I was supposed to be a surgeon. Someone who saves lives! But now I just take them.

This demon inside me makes me crave human flesh. Specifically, the kidneys. But it'll make me eat other parts if it's particularly hungry.

I do try to keep my victims alive. Only taking one kidney at a time from each person. But sometimes, I just can't help myself. And I hate myself for it. All those lives I've taken.

I usually do it in their sleep.

Last night, I was wandering through the town, looking for a snack to keep the demon at bay. I had been wandering around for a while, making sure to keep out of the street lights. Until I looked up at this small apartment complex and looked up.

Someone seemed to have their windows open. Bingo. One of the advantages of being possessed by a demon is that it gives me super human abilities. In this case, I was using my ability to climb. This allowed me to scale the side of the building with ease, as I entered this random persons apartment through their window.

I ended up in their room. Standing over them. I stared at them for some time. I don't know why, but something about watching people sleep gives me a kind of enjoyment.

This person seemed to be sleeping soundly, cuddled up to what looked like a hellokitty plush? I mean, no judgement there. I've seen just about everything when it comes to people sleeping.

After around five minutes, give or take, I decided to lift their sheets. Thankfully, this person slept on their side, which would make the operation a bit easier. And they seemed to sleep naked, which was also convenient. Again, no judgement, I'm a medical "professional."

I took my scalpel out of my pocket and gently started to press it against their skin. This is when they jumped.

Scrambling to the other side of the bed to get away from me. Covering them selves up with their sheets.

I wasn't entirely sure what to do. Inside, I was fighting an internal war with the demon inside me. It wanted me to devour them right then and their. I didn't want to do that. So I kept standing their, holding back with all my might.

Eventually, they did the smart thing and got a robe on before bolting out of the room. I wanted to make sure they got away from me. I didn't want to kill anyone tonight. I followed them to their front door before they quickly left. Slamming the door as it made a locking sound.

Now I finally knew they were safe.

Because I didn't really have much going on that night, I explored this person's apartment. They didn't seem to have much. Just the usual stuff. One thing that stood out to me was a mug thing. It was a Nemesis Now cup with an occult desighn and a cat demon on the front. I thought it was cool, so I grabbed it and took it with me as I climbed out of the apartment window.

I ended up getting my kidney fix that night. But from some other person. I quickly returned to the first after that.

I was greeted by seed eater on my way back to the mansion. He was a pretty chill dude. I mean, when we first met, he tried eating me, but then he quickly realised I'm not entirely human and we've basically been best buds since. I managed to save him a bit of the kidney I ate and gave it to him. He was pretty happy with that.

He walked with me back to the mansion until I reached the porch, when he swiftly left me.

I entered the mansion and went to the kitchen to place my new mug in the cupboard. "Hey Ej. What's up?" I head behind me. I turn around to see it's just Toby. I shrug and say, "Ah, nothing much. I've just been out doing the usual."

Toby nodded, "cool cool. Wanna go watch that ww1 movie... uhhh.. what's it called again..." he said, struggling to remember the name. "All quiet on the western front?" I asked. He lifted his head pointed. "Yes. That one."

Modern warfare seemed to be Toby's latest hyperfixation or whatever. I found it kinda interesting.  I've watched that film before, though, but it was pretty good, so I shrugged again. "Eh. Why not." I say as I make my way to the living room with him.

As we watched the film, a few others came to join us. The night concluded with me falling asleep three quarters of the way through the movie.

Life here at the mansion is kinda nuts. My housemates are all kinda weird. All of them are mentally ill. But I wouldn't expect anything more from them. They're very varied, you know. Ranging from your run of the mill human serial killer to powerful paranormal entities that come with their own relms and everything.

I'm pretty sure the most powerful entity here apart from The Operator is probably LJ (laughing Jack).

Although my morals don't really align with these people, I can still see why they do the things they do. And, well, I, too, am a bit in the grey area for these kinds of things. Ontop of that, I don't really have anywhere else to go. Being a man eating cryptic and all.

I woke up much later and checked the time on my phone. 11:07. It's late by some people's standards, but then again, I've become more nocturnal these days if anything.

I stumbled to the kitchen groggily. I needed caffeine desperately. That's when I thought, hey! Perhaps I should use my new mug! So I grabbed it out of the cupboard and poured some instant coffee into it.

As I took a sip, Jeff passed by to do whatever he was doing. "Nice mug," he said. "Thanks."

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