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Heyy so I just wanna let y'all know some things

One. I'm SO SORRY that I've been gone for that long

Two. yes I am coming back.!!

Three. I never meant to leave that long I was just struggling with my mental health mostly sh when I first left, then I managed to get a bit better on my own but that came with the price of falling behind on my school work quite a bit. I'm still not all the way caught up by any means but I am on my way there so therefore I think I am ready to come back to this book slowly but surely. But mostly surely

Four. I was honestly surprised to see so many notifications when I opened up my wattpad app for the first time in weeks I am very surprised you guys haven't forgotten about my book in the time I've been away and that means a lot.

Five. now that I'm back I'm so excited to talk to all you guys again and hopefully write some pretty good chapters :)

That's all for now I will be working on a chapter soon which should be out eventually probably sometime within the next week. but it might take me a little bit to get back into writing this book how I want to.! So I ask for just a bit more patience..! I mean a week is nothing compared to 2 months 😭p.s I'm so so sorry 💀👌🏼

Unexpected love //Jake and Johnnie\\ (Webbert)Where stories live. Discover now