Chapter 11

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(A/n at end of chapter.!)

Johnnie's POV:

(WHAT?!) Is the first thing that goes through my mind, as Jake muffles the most surprising sentence I've ever heard in my entire life (and that's saying a lot.)

"what..?" I whisper back an answer, finally able to somewhat find the right words to some degree. Jake's face is still buried in the crook of my shoulder/neck, that action makes my body heat up in flames. I suddenly hear a giggle coming from the person next to me, "God Johnnie.!" Jake laughs as he shifts his head to face me, the moment we locked eyes I could see that he had the most, love sick, shy smile I've seen him wear since knowing him. This face made me melt, I searched his face for any signs of honestly, anything. "hey Johnnie.?" Jake asked, snapping me out of my trance. "hmm?" I hum as to encourage him to continue, "Do you... like me.?"

This question shakes me (what do I even say to that!? Should I be honest? Should I say no?! What do I do.) "I- um.." I can't manage to even process to say, "it's ok. I understand if you don't feel the same." He sighs getting up from the bed an starts to head toward my door. Before he can leave I quickly run to him and grab his face, but I decided to turn it to the side an I give him a small peck on the cheek, "we can talk tomorrow. Good night.!" I speak quickly before softly pushing him the rest of the way out my room door, I then close it the moment he's out.

The moment the door closes I turn and slowly slide my back down the cold wood. The second I feel my butt hit the hard ground l instinctively cover my face with my arms, wrapping my hands in my ratted up hair. I can't help but begin to tugg on my hair because of the strange mix of stress and embarrassment, which currently is raging through the entirety of my existence. I stand up with a little bit of struggle, I walk to my bed flopping down in an attempt to straighten out my thoughts. (What in the hell am I gonna do.?)
I decided I'll figure it out in the morning, I rap myself up in my blankets and try to get some non-nightmare filled sleep.

In the morning.

I wake up to the sound of Jake snoring, (good lord he must have fallen asleep with his room door open.) I laugh out loud at that thought and the fact he's so damn loud. (I guess I should at least go see if the kitchen needs to be cleaned, since I'm up anyway.) Once I force myself out of bed I slowly but surely make my way to the kitchen, it's not as dirty as I thought it'd be. (Thank God) only the counter is a little dirty, but that can be fixed with a sponge.

I wet the sponge and add a little soap to it an I start scrubbing, about halfway through I hear foot steps but I don't think much of it a continue what I'm doing. All of ah sudden I feel two arms snake around my waist and a head rest in the crook of my neck, the feeling of Jake's warm breath against my neck is enough to make my knees week.

"Whatcha doin?!" I hear (and feel) Jake question using his stupid fake high pitch voice, but yet it still seems to make a quiet giggle escape from my lips along with a unknowticabel smile. "Just cleaning why?" I give him a short answer "well...I was kinda maybe wondering..?" Jake is practically tripping over his words at this point "mm humm?" I beckon him to keep speaking. "Well..I was wondering, if maybe you had thought about. what I said last night..maybe perhaps.?"

"Maybe." I tease.


Ooooooo new chapter

No but Fr I'm sorry it's taking so long for the update. I thought I'd tell you guys that me and my mom are yet to receive the apartment..

And sadly we my not get it. BUT ALLS WELL IT ENDS WELL RIGHT?! I just ask for anyone's good wishes! And hopefully we get good news and get to move in next week, fingers crossed🤞🏼.!


Only about 700 words sorry 😔

Unexpected love //Jake and Johnnie\\ (Webbert)Where stories live. Discover now