Chapter 31 pt2

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Johnnie's POV:

I'm abruptly brought to wake as I hear the front door being shut, fallowed by the sounds of Jake backing out of the driveway.

(I guess he just left..wait. that would mean that it's really early.) I think, grabbing my phone to look at the time, inherently confirming my suspicion that it was in fact early. 7:40 am early  to be precise. (It's way too early for me to be up.) in my opinion.
"I guess I'll just go back to sleep, i mean im still tired anyway." I slur quietly to myself as I reposition my body, trying desperately to get comfortable.

*5 minuets later*

Trying for my life,
For some reason I'm unable to get comfortable, I can feel my anxiety rising more and more at each passing second, I don't know why. (What the fuck is wrong with me?! Im practically shaking, despite having no reason to be.) I try to take a deep breath, I can feel it slightly help, as I get my bearings back ever so minutely.

(I just wish Jake was hear..he would help. he always helps.) I think selfishly, knowing that he has bigger and better things then to have to deal with me everyday. (What else could I do...I don't wanna call him over something so small, that would be stupid.)

Just than I get an idea. (I mean he wouldn't mind if I went in there by myself, would he.?) I make up my mind dragging myself out from under my covers and out of my bedroom door, stepping in front of the one next to mine. I slowly place my shaking hand on Jakes bedroom door before opening it. I let out a sigh of relief as the smell of cigarettes, his cologne and...him. waft through the air, instantly calming my nerves, flutter in my heart as my eyes soften, I feel sleep wanting to make it's way back into my body. I walk in closing the door behind me, stepping twords his bed before crawling under his covers, I'm met with an even stronger smell of Jake's scent. I notice the shiver that goes through my entire body as I breath it in allowing sleep to over take my soul, feeling infinitely more comfortable then when I had first woken up...

*Time skip*

Im rudely woken up by my phone ringing loudly, seeing that I had forgotten to turn off my ringer before I had fallen asleep.

I grab my phone off the other side of the bed, face still halfway covered with Jake's blankets, I answer without even seeing the name due to my eyes barely even being open. "hello..?" I mumble both tiredly and quietly. I'm met with Jake in his car, "Hiii! Oh, sorry we're you asleep..? I can just call you back later if you wanna sleep?!" Jake says happily just seeming to be worried about the fact that he woke me. (God he's so caring.) I just chuckle lightly as I smile at him, opening my eyes a little wider to see him better. "No, no you're fine I always want to talk to you anytime." I state, I see Jake's gaze soften as he looks at me "Ok.! oh well I was gonna ask you what your doing right now but I'm assuming you've been mostly asleep." Jake says laughing, I just roll my eyes and smile. "Yeah pretty much."

"Hey, are you in my room by the way.?" Jake asks, my eyes go a bit wide as blush appears across my face, "Ye, yeah..I couldn't fall back asleep, so I came in here." I stutter back an explanation as a small grin is spread across Jake's face, "god your so cute." I hear Jake say kinda under his breath, but loud enough for me to hear him. "Shut up.." I whine feeling butterflies erupt at the compliment. "It's true though. I'll be home in a couple hours ok?" Jake informs me, I look at the time on my phone to see it's currently 10:13. I nod my head "ok." I grumble wishing it was a little sooner (But beggars can't be chooses can they.) "Hey.! Dont be sad, I promise it won't be that long ok.? I love you plus I'm almost done, I just have to go somewhere really quickly and go stream with JC for a bit, then I'll be home!" I think then nod my head, smiling at him being so caring. "Ok well I'll let you do what you need to do. Byyye love you.!" Jake gets a big cheesy smile on his face as I say that. "Bye bye love you too!" Jake says back before give me a smile as he hangs up the call.

Unexpected love //Jake and Johnnie\\ (Webbert)Where stories live. Discover now