Chapter 15

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Johnnie's POV:

It's the next day, nothing really happened yesterday. (I went to bed pretty early, but I'm still so tired..) I'm laying in my bed, alone, feeling as though the world is spinning around me. (I know I need to eat but I don't want to, I can't, not when it's the first day. I can at least wait till tomorrow.) I go to roll back onto my side and go back to sleep, until I hear a surprisingly quiet knock.

"you can open the door." I say dryly into my pillow. I hear Jake open the door and shut it closed a second later, my back is facing the door so I no clue what he's doing. Suddenly I feel a shift in the weight on my bed, I figured he was crawling onto it. "Hmm.?" I hum suspiciously, wondering what it is he's doing. I don't get an answer, instead I feel two arms snake around my waist and a head rest on the base of my neck. I can Sense Jakes breathing on my upper back and neck, I let myself melt into the feeling, and I find myself resting my hands on his.

After a few seconds I felt Jake's mouth open to talk. "Are you hungry.? We can go get subway...orrr Dave's hot chicken? Anything you want Johnnie we can go get.." I don't know what to say, he's being so considerate it hurts, (I can't tell him no because then he'll know somethings up.) Apparently he knew something was up anyway. "Johnnie you need to eat. I'm not suggesting, I'm telling you. Because.. I lo- I care about you, and I don't want you to starve yourself anymore. Not for my sake, but for yours." As Jake's whispers this in my ear it sends waves of shocks down my entire body.

I don't have much to say, but I try and gather an answer anyway. "Jake. I...fine but your picking." I say In defeat, Jake hugs me tighter and rests his head in the crook of my neck as an answer, and I'm completely content with that. I lay on my back, but Jake keeps his face somewhat in the crook of my neck, one of his arms draped over my stomach. I feel (and hear) him moves his mouth near my ear, then he whispers a question. "can I. do something..?" Jake asks me, rather sheepishly. I'm interested so I answered "sure. Nothing to wild ok." As I say that I see him move is mouth from my ear back to my neck.

Any thoughts I was having came to an abrupt halt as I felt his lips peck the base of my neck. He slowly trails theses kisses upwards then to my jaw, I'm holding my breath until he goes back down to the middle of my neck where he stops. Then I feel teeth.. he softly bites the middle of my neck, at that moment I let out the breath I was holding in, along with a quiet "mm." noise as I slightly jurk my head and neck away from the sensation. I feel jake lightly suck the same spot on and off. My stomach feels like it's burning (but I'm a good way) he Stops for a second which makes me start to pant at the loss of the sensation. Jake let's his face rest on my neck, then I feel him begin to giggle. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!" Jake says in between laughs, "I swear.! If I knew you were so sensitive there I would have gone a lot easier on you!"

We both sit up and Jake's still laughing. I look at him and deadpan to convey I'm not amused at the ""humorous"" fact about my neck being
"" sensitive"". As he contains his laughter he looks at me then moves a little closer. "Sorry. I promise I'm not making fun of you.!" He says, then gives me a quick soft peck on the lips. When he pulls away, he smiles, then stands up. As he's walking out he says "we'll leave in 20 minutes, if you try and back out I'm dragging you to the car.!" Then Jake carefully closes my door.

(Well I guess I should go change, and wash off the rest of this days old make up I have on.)


Here's your damn new chapter 😭 y'all know who you are😒/JJ

Now please stop threatening to k!ll me

There was so many things I was gonna say but now I don't know what...

ANYWAY so sorry I haven't posted I a little, but y'all got a new chapter now so be grateful God damnit 😭🙏

Ok that's all for now BYE-BYE!!!

Word count 798 😔👎🏼

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