Chapter 21

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Johnnie's POV:

As I feel the sleep leaving my body, I can feel the weight of a person on top of my chest, I look down to see Jake face flat on my chest, (I can hear his snores..) I think. I can only see the back of his hair, I tangle my hands back into his messy hair, and start to lightly play with it.

Jake's arms are trapped under my back (I really don't mind, it feels nice.) I try to reach for my phone but it's to far away for me to grab it, (considering I have hundreds of pounds on top of me.) Not wanting to disturb him I just sink my back into the bed and wrap my arms around his waist, allowing myself to fall back asleep, whilst my arms incase his comforting body.

A couple hours later.

I'm awakened as I feel Jake slightly shift on top of me, he turns his head to the side, his face now visible but eyes closed. I let my eyes peer over his oddly pretty and predominant facial features, the way his eyelashes were curly, the perfect framing of his face due to his haircut, along with the diminutive hook in his nose, those of which could only be properly admired like this from my specific angle. I brush the hair out of his face to get a better look, sadly waking him up in doing so. Thankfully, due to the expression on his face as he opens his eyes, implies that he isn't angry at the fact I had accidentally just woken him up, (He looks more cutely disoriented then upset.) I figure.

He closes his eyes, then shoves his face back into my chest, "Mmmm.." I hear him wine into me tiredly, "hmm.?" I question him gently, while twisting a strand of his surprisingly soft hair with my finger. "can we stay like this a little.." I hear him mumble, barely loud enough to hear him, "sure." I answer, not really wanting to move myself anyways, I let out a deep sigh which causes Jake to wrap my body tighter under his grasp, "you feeling ok?" He asks me, sounding concerned. He turns his head where he's now facing me, having a look of concern as his eyes are searching my face for any sign of how I'm feeling, I raise my hand and cup his showing cheek.

"yeah, I'm fine.. just. happy." I say tenderly stroking his cheek with my thumb, I can feel myself softly smile at him, he gives me an almost look of confusion. "what's making you so happy?" He asks, innocently oblivious, I try my best to hold in a chuckle, I cover it up by shaking my head and giggling a bit, "god your so dense sometimes.!" I whisper yell still shaking my head. Poor Jake just looks even more confused, I roll my eyes and let out a sigh, lifting up his head even more with my hand, I place a small, quick Peck on his lips.

"It's you Jake, you're why I'm happy." He looks at me as if I just hung the moon and stars in the sky, "you make me happy too Johnnie.!" He says absence mindedly, then Jake flushes red with embarrassment as to what he just said, burying his face back into my chest, with a groan of (what I assume to be,) self-annoyance in his tone. "That was corny wasn't it?" He asks, I don't answer, instead I just begin to chuckle at the sight of Jake's rare embarrassment. He looks at me chuckling and decides to get payback right there and then, I see his hand reach over to the side next to us he grabs one of my extra pillows and slams it into my laughing face, then he hastily gets up from the bed.

"HEY.! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I yell, as he runs out of my room, then I hear him yell a far response back, through a laugh "PAY BACK BITCH!!".

I let him go do whatever, I sit back down on my bed, figuring he'll probably come back In a second anyway. Then I suddenly get a call, (that's wired, I don't talk to many people.. Who is it.?) When I grab my phone I flip it over to see I'm getting a video call, from my sister.? I answer it, not pointing the camera at me or my face (mostly because I'm pretty sure I still have hickeys on my neck. Even though Tara failed to mention so..)

"Hey Johnnie.!" My sister greets me with the same smile she's had all her life. "Hey Margaret, what's up.?" I ask, not trying to be rude, but wanting to know why she called, because she Hardly ever calls me. "The sky. No but seriously are you coming home to visit soon.? I know you have your life out there in LA, but we miss you..Unless..." I rise my eyebrow, despite her not being able to even see me. "Unless what?" I can see a sinister grin start to form on her face. "Did my baby brother fall in love with someone?!!" This makes me shoot up, making me turn the camera to face me and my beyond shocked expression (HOW IN THE HELL WOULD SHE MAKE THAT CONCLUSION?).

Before I can answer I feel a weight on my lap, I look down to see Jake laying his head in my lap. (I must have been so shocked that I didn't hear him come back in.) My sister seems to notice the shift in my deminer as "the person" walks into my room, seeing as though she's giving me an all knowing look. I finally answer her question "Nope, I'm still single as ever." I reply, not really lieing since me and Jake aren't dating, we're just, us. "Mhmm. Ok then. Oh! Who just walked in your room though.?" She asks kinda moving away from the past topic, (Margaret must have heard him before even I did.) Jake must of heard her since he sits up from my lap, "is she talking about me?" Jake's questions whispering to me.

I nod my head, "Jake this is my big sister Margaret, Margaret this is my best friend and roommate Jake.!" I say handing Jake my phone, which he takes, with no problem. "Hey nice to meet you!" Jake tells her flashing her that deathly bright smile of his, "Nice to meet you too, Jake?" He nods "yeah Jake.!" I can hear her laughing before she speaks again. "Well thank you for taking care of my brother Jake, I can hear it in is voice he's happier with you." (Hearing my sister saying that hurts, knowing that she's seen me struggle so much that she knows if I'm happy by the sound of my voice.?) I let out a sigh really just taking in any emotions I feel at the moment.

As Jake and Margaret finished talking I hear Jake say goodbye "well, it was nice meeting you Margaret, do you want me to hand the phone back to Johnnie.?" He asks her. "No, I already told him what I wanted to, and he already knows anything else I'd say to him." I see Jake nod, "Ok, byyeee!" He says good bye to my sister, then hangs up the call. "Well she's nice." He says handing me back my phone, "Yeah.." I answer putting my phone back on the side table.

When I turn back I look at his eyes then down to his lips. He gives me a confused glance "you feel ok?" I just nodded my head, pushing away my thoughts "yeah.." I say, my eyes shying away from his now kissable lips.


Wass up?!!




Ohh also friendly reminder I am not amazing at spelling and grammar and I don't have a beta (I don't plan on getting one,) to go over anything when I post it, so I might have some errors here and there, all over the book.

Word count 1351

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