Chapter 25

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Johnnie's POV:

As I lift my head off the back of Jake's, he sits up then leans our foreheads against one another. I close my eyes, and begin to focus on our rhythmic breaths bouncing off each other's faces. I feel Jake's hand rest on my cheek, I keep my eyes shut and lean against the touch, allowing myself to feel the affection radiat from his warm hand. He's rubbing circles on my cheek with his thumb, the feeling that makes me mollify any and all negative thoughts, or emotions that I felt meer seconds ago.

I raise both my hands up twords the back of his skull, I tangle my fingers into his hair as I began to softly play with any lose strands my fingers find. I angel my head a bit, a bit hesitant to press my lips onto Jake's. But I feel him give me a nod, acknowledging that he's aware of what I want to do, and he consents to it as well.

I still hesitate as I press a few small (but prolonged) pecks onto his lips, cheeks and lastly his nose. Jake let's out an Entourage ge of giggles in response to my kisses, but he doesn't hesitate to kiss back. We begin to swap light kisses back and forth, our kisses seem to deepen every 30 second or so, becoming more passionate with each shared kiss. As the kisses turn sloppy my face turns a dust of pink, I feel my stomach tighten and begin to burn with that all so familiar fire. Our kisses progress into making out, my tongue cerises Jake's bottom lip, making it significantly more damp than before, I retract my tongue and I feel Jake start to nibble on the tip of my top lip.

I melt into the feeling for a bit, but then as we go back to our sloppy kissing I swear I hear something. (Wow I must be tripping.) I think, then continue to passionately kiss Jake, tightening my grip on his hair slightly, semi allowing myself to whimper out a few hushed noises from the feeling. As I lean farther onto my kiss it seems as if time stops, and then boom...

Suddenly the door to my room opens to see Tara standing in front of it. Jake doesn't notice due to his back facing the door, so he continues to kiss me.

Tara is still standing at the door in shock, then when it finally clicks my eyes go wide, I gently push Jake off of me. He looks at me confused "hey what's wrong.? Did I do something..?" He says, as he places a hand on my cheek. My face flushes deep red (due to both embarrassment and flattery at his care for me.) I pull his hand off my face, and gesture twords my now open door. Jake turns around to see Tara standing awkwardly in the door frame, "oh...heyyy Tara." Jake says, sounding extremely awkward in the process, face now just as red as mine.

"I can..uhh, explain.?" I try but fail immediately to come up with something, anything!! "Anyway.." Tara says inching twords us, over to the bed. "Here Johnnie, I came to uhh bring you your wallet back..! Here." She explains handing me my wallet, she starts to walk away but turns around before she leaves the room. "I'll leave now. Give y'all some privacy..? I don't know, tell me when you wanna talk about it."
She tells us then leaves the room, we hear her open the front door than shout "BYE LOVE YOU GUYS! I'LL KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT ABOUT THIS."

As we hear the front door shut behind her me and Jake just stare at each other, a bit embarrassed about what took place a few seconds ago in this very room. "what just happened..?" Jake whispers, starring at me as if I have an answer. "I have no clue, well I'm glad I have my wallet back I guess.." I say putting it on my bedside table.

Me and Jake look at each other and begin to bust out laughing, I basically have tears in my eyes. "Well at least she was the one to find out first..!" I half joke, earning a even larger laugh from Jake, causing him to hold his stomach inorder to keep it from hurting even more then it already does.

As we calm down we both have smiles on our faces as we look into each other's eyes. Suddenly I feel all that tiredness from earlier hit me, causing my eye to droop a bit, and a yawn to escape my mouth. I see it's also starting to catch up to Jake, as he yawns as well. So I allow myself to lay down "good night, I'm tired." I tell Jake covering myself with my blankets. I feel him slide under the covers next to me as well, then snake his arm around my waist from the back "good night johnnie, by the way I'm sleeping here." He says, I just nod as sleep over takes my body.



Sorry took me so long to update! I kept falling asleep while trying to wright this chapter 💀

Also my dog died today 😢

That's all bye bye

Word count 886

Unexpected love //Jake and Johnnie\\ (Webbert)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن