Chapter 6

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Johnnie's POV:

Somewhere around half way into the movie I slowly start to nod in and out of sleep. As sleep finally overcomes me the last thing I feel is my head gently fall on the side of Jake's shoulder...

Skip to Johnnie waking up kinda?

(I guess he didn't want me to be uncomfortable), because I shift as I wake up about 65% of the way I notice I'm now laying on Jake's chest as one of his arms is wrapped around my waist, were still sitting up but we somehow both managed to fall asleep. As I eventually wake up I can feel his breath on my neck (considering his head is resting on my shoulder) along with the rise and fall of his chest I can feel, as I lean my back against his body, not to mention the rhythmic pounding of his heart beat. All these combined start to make my heart beat fast and my thoughts go all over the place.

I quickly try an calm myself down, with some big breaths I eventually do once I do I decide I might as well settle back into Jake's chest so I do. All of a sudden I feel another arm cover around my stomach, "sorry if sitting up is uncomfortable, do you want to lay down instead.?" Jake suddenly asks me lowly  whispering into my ear, his voice ruff considering he had just woken up. This action sends spirts of electricity all throughout my entire body, "su... sure" I responded slightly tripping over my words trying to gather my thoughts and feelings.

He carefully lowers us on the sides of our back to the bed, but he continues to keep a strong grip on my waist and just holds me as we adjust ourselves to lay down.  (Welp I guess I'm sleeping in here tonight.) I think as I shrug, I get comfortable and before I even know it sleep over takes my mind, Soul and lastly body, the last thought that passes though my mind is (if only Jake knew what he did to me every moment of The day.)

The fallowing early morning

I'm awaken by the feeling of a hand making it's way up my shirt, to my chest then down my chest back to my stomach. The realization makes me blush bright red, I meekly turn around to look at Jake's face to find him asleep..? I sigh in relief but also in something else (disappointment.?!) I wonder, I shake my head in a weak attempt to try an clear my absolutely insane mind. I turn back around an act like that didn't just happen, but just as I was about to calm down I feel the same action being done AGAIN slowly but multiple times its done again AND again.

At this point there's an humongous feel at the bottom of my stomach that can only be described as a good burning feeling. By now the only option I have is to cover my face out of pure embarrassment, due to the fact this is making me feel wild in so many different ways. (What time is it?) I think not knowing I look at the window only to see it's still dark outside. (ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!)



word count 550.

Unexpected love //Jake and Johnnie\\ (Webbert)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin