Chapter 24

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It's been about 3 hours since we've been at Tara's, (there are a shit load of people here!) I think to myself, I can practically feel my social anxiety begging to over flow out of my body. I decide on going and sitting in the corner of the floor because I really don't think I can mentally withstand having to walk through, and around, anymore people at the second. Jake somewhat fallows me to the corner of the room, but he starts talking to some people on the way over, so I figure I'll let him have some fun without me looming over his shoulder like a fragile lost puppy.

I take a seat in the corner of Tara's tile floor, I pull out my phone and take a picture to post on my Instagram-story.

I put "sitting on the floor at a party is low-key a vibe." On the picture, then post it and slipping my phone back into my back pocket. I look around at all the people just dancing, drinking, having fun, just straight up partying. (Yeah, I think I can confidently say that I am not a party person.) I just people watch for what feels like forever, then about 6 minutes later I see Jake approaching me with two drinks in his hand. "Sorry Johnnie I got carried away, BUT I brought us drinks! So I hope this makes it a little better.!!" He exclaims whilst handling me the drink he got me, also trying not to spill it simultaneously.

I grabbed it gently from his hand, allowing our fingers to brush against each other, I take it and give him a thankful smile, "it's no problem really.!" I say, not wanting to make Jake feel bad about leaving me by myself, (I mean he deserves to be his own person.).

Jake sits down on the floor next to me, then I feel him wrap one of his arms around me. I suddenly take the cup of alcoholic punch I have in my hand, and down it. As my cup empties I see Jake give me a wide eyed expression, as if he had just seen me take 10 shots in a row. "Wow there, why don't you take it easy pal.?" Jake tells me grabbing my (now empty) cup from my hands. I sigh and start to lean against him, "Sorry, I'm just tryna loosen myself up. I feel like my anxiety is through the roof, like more than usual.." I explain to Jake, angeling my head slightly to look up at him. "It's ok Johnnie I understand. Just try not to give yourself alcohol poisoning.!" He says a bit sarcastically, but I can tell there's an underling of seriousness behind his voice. I don't give him a verbal response, I just nod my head and lean more an more on to him, trying my hardest to not make it look like we're a couple. (That of which I might be failing at, considering there are a few people watching us of the corner of their eyes. I can see it.)

As I lean more into him he drops his arm off my shoulder, I feel him put it loosely around my waist in stead. The heat flares in my stomach, but I try my best to let it go away. I grabbed his shoulder with my hand and bring my mouth up to his ear, "Jake. someone's gonna think we a couple.." I whisper in his ear, making a gentle but questioning expression on my face, eyes wide searching his. He doesn't answer me, just gives me a nonchalant smirk and a few quiet giggles.

I roll my eyes sarcastically at him, then start to look around the room, (yeah. no. to many people.) I think as I see everyone partying in front of me. "I was gonna go get a drink but I really don't want to walk through that." I tell Jake, dreading having to getting up. "I can go get you a drink.!" Jake says immediately jumping to his feet. Before I can get another word in he disappears into the sea of drunk people. I shake my head and let out a laugh, thinking about the events that just unfolded five seconds ago.

(It's been a couple minutes and he's still not back..?) I try and look around from where I'm sitting, but I can't seem to see him anywhere.

I get up to go and look for him, I walk through a bunch of people turning my head every five seconds to try an find Jake but I don't see him.

Suddenly when I turn around I accidentally bump into someone, and they spill a bit of their punch on me. "Yo I'm sorr-" I start to apologize for not looking where I was going, but then the guy gets in my face (he's clearly heavily intoxicated.) "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING F@GGOT!" He yells at me slurring his words, my eyes go wide as he grabs the collar of my shirt, pulling me up slightly. Everyone around is to busy partying to notice what's going on, "Dude calm down!! It was an accident!" I say trying my hardest to get out of his grasp.

Unexpected love //Jake and Johnnie\\ (Webbert)Where stories live. Discover now