Chapter 29

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Johnnie's POV:

As me and Jake arrive home I get out of the car and sluggishly make my way to the front door. (God, I'm so fucking tired..) i lean against the door waiting on Jake to come and open it, because I'm to lazy. Jake comes up behind me and softly moves me to the side, he places one hand on my waist slowly scooting me over. I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach at the touching, my face flushes slightly so I quickly put my head down allowing him to unlock the door.

As it opens I practically run inside, flopping on the couch wrapped myself in a blanket. I hear Jake giggle as he shuts the front door, then he walks over to the couch taking a seat right above where my head is resting. "Tired are we?" Jake jokes cracking a smile at me, my heart melts a bit at his expression, i don't answer instead i move my head into his lap laying my arm across his legs.

Jake doesn't mutter a single word in response, but I feel him slid a hand into my teased hair, carefully playing with it. I melt into the intimate touch, starting to feel as if my stomach is set a flame due to the nerves.

I began to get even more comfortable, I let out a sigh of content before turning to face Jake. This surprises him, but he is listening right away, "what is it.?" He asks curious as to why I rolled over. "I was gonna asks, if maybe.." i trail off thinking of what to say, "hmm?" Jake hums encouraging me to continue speaking. "Well I was thinking, that if you were up for it. we could go visit my family for a couple of days.? If you don't want to that's completely fine! I won't force you, they've just missed me and it's been awhile since I've seen all of them. You know.?" I nervously look at his face searching for a answer.

Then I see him smile and chuckle, "yeah.! I'd love to go with you!" Relief is apparent in my expression as I nod my head and lay back down. I look back up twords him and just examine his features, "Thank you Jake, it means a lot that you're will to do that for me." He just leans down and places a kiss on my nose, "it's no problem, plus I wanna meet your family!" He exclaims only a couple inches from my face, i softly grab his cheeks and place a kiss on his lips, he kisses back instantly, we part and just stare at each other just examining each other's faces with eyes of admiration.

"Did you still want to watch a movie love?" I ask Jake glancing at the remote on the coffee table. "No it's fine, do you wanna go lay down.? I know you're tired, so we can go take a nap?" Jake asks me as he slides a strand of hair behind my ear. "Yes please I'm so tired.." i say telling him the truth "Can we lay down in my bed though?" I ask, wanting to sleep in my room. Jake just chuckles and nods his head, i get up from his lap and grab his hand, dragging him to my room. As we enter my room I toss myself on to my bed and crawl under my blankets, i feel Jake sit down beside me before he snuggles under the covers with me. I feel him starting to shake his feet back and forth extremely fast (he's stimming. That's actually adorable..) I turn my body to face him, as he does the same, "hey." I say breaking the silence, "hi.!" He says back.

Suddenly Jake scouts closer to me before burying his head in my chest and wrapping his arms around my waist, he tries to snuggle even closer to me, despite it being practically impossible from how close he is already. I let out a giggle at his antics. Before I feel him begin to talk, "Johnnie.?" this gets my attention "hmm?!" I groan wondering what he's about to say, "truthfully, i always feel a little bit uncomfortable around people, i mean i play it off most of the time. but with you I'm..always. comfortable. I feel like I can be 100 percent myself and I won't ever be judged by you, i don't know why I felt the need to share that but I just want you to know I'm happy your in my life, and your the best partner and best friend i could ever ask for." Jake confesses, progressively holding onto me tighter.

I feel my heart beating out of my chest, i smile as red spreads itself across my cheeks as i hold Jake close to me. I hear Jake hold in a giggle, "what's so funny?" I ask rolling my eyes at his predictable un-seriousness. He just struggles to hold it in more, "your heartbeat is making you nerrrvous.!" He teased me letting out a chuckle. I just take a deep breath and laugh (god he's going to kill me.) "Shut the fuck up.!" I say, clearly joking. He breaks out in a fit of laughter, i feel him pull out of my arms hold, so I look down to ask him what's wrong.

"What is it? Did I do something.?" I ask a little worried I did something to upset him, and that's why he moved away from me. I pull back as well to meet his gaze, he has a small smile that spreads across his face, i sigh in relief. He just shakes his head, looking back up at me, "Johnnie, has anyone ever told you how pretty you are?" (What...) I'm a little surprised by what he says, then I feel my body start to tingle, (i feel like I have to move) my guts are set on fire. I struggle to find an answer to respond, Instead I just get embarrassed and cover my reddened face with my hands.

As soon as my eyes are covered I feel hands softly grip my wrists, they gide my hands back down off my face. I keep my eyes shut tight, not knowing if I have the will power to meet Jake in the eyes at this very second.

But as I feel Jakes breath bouncing off my skin, my pulse is getting higher and my face is getting warmer. Suddenly Jake's hands move back to my cheeks, cupping my face whilst moving his closer to mine. I try my hardest to keep my eyes shut tight, determined not to look him in the eyes. Then Jake caresses my left cheek with his thumb, this relaxes me slightly as I lean into the careful touch. "Relax..I promise, I would never do anything you don't want me to. You have my word" Jake says, gently whispering into my ear, causing my stomach to turn with every romantic and platonic attraction I have for him. Jake softly places our foreheads together, I gingerly open my eyes, meeting his beautifully brown eyes, getting trapped within his gaze. "Jake...I love you. I'd do anything to make you as happy as you make me." I say sighing, averting my gaze away from him. "Johnnie.! Don't say that! I should be saying the same thing, you make me so happy that I think I'm going to explode every time you look in my direction!!" Jake explains practically blurting every word out at once, trying to get his point across.

I flush, not quite knowing how to actually take in requinted feelings from someone anymore, "God Jake i thought you were supposed to be the one that has problems with emotions.!" I laugh, make a joke about his autism knowing he doesn't mind. Jake chuckles at my joke and places a hand on my head, behind my ear. He looks at me as if I made the cosmos itself, and i unintentionally respond by giving him a look as if he created every atom in existent. This time he's the only that flushes red, I chuckle at his expression and squint my eyes.

Suddenly I grab Jake's arm and pull him down, he looks incredibly surprised, then he starts to settle down onto the top of my chest as we both get comfortable. I kindly put a hand into his soft black hair, i hear him  let out a small noise of pleasure as i continue to play with his hair, I can feel Jake softly pushing his head into my hand at the touch, "Johnnie..." He whispers to me, voice barley above a squeak. "Mhmm.?" I hum waiting to hear his response, "im falling asleep ok.." suddenly his sentence drifts off Andi can feel his breathing slow and even out. (He fell asleep.. that's cute.) I feel like my heart is going to combust, but I'm comfortable.

Suddenly, I feel sleep over take me as well...


Hiii here's a new chapter.!


Well anyway I hope u guys had a good day/night!! And happy new Year🎉

Byyyee byyyeee!

Word count 1540

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