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Natsuo pov

Another regular day, with regular lectures. As usual I've been constantly asked about how it feels like to have the No. 1 Pro Hero as my dad and what he does everyday honestly, it's sickening. Nobody hangs out with me cause of me, it's cause of my beat of a dad. I hate it here but I will make a name out of myself, not as a hero, not as my dad's son but as Natsuo Todoroki to prove that man wrong. So what if it isn't working in my favor now. I was walking to Biology when I bumped into someone and all our stuff fell to the floor. Oh god I'm so sorry I say kneeling down to pick our stuff up. No, it's fine answered with a raspy voice replied. Here you go I say picking it up. Are you ok? I should've watched where I was going I say returning his book. No problem, I'm Tenko and you are? he asked. Shoot. I'm Natsuo Todoroki I say anxiously. Cool so should I call you Todoroki or Natsuo? he asked. What? No, questions about my dad? That's a first. Natsuo, call me Natsuo I answered back. I've gotta go but see around he said with a crooked smile on his face. I saw a pair of earphones which I could've sworn was hanging from his pocket, hold on I yell out, chasing after him. Tenko! I yelled louder as I ran closer to him, he turned around looking at me confused. Your earphones it slipped out ya pocket I panted out handing him the earphones. Oh silly me how could I forget it? Thanks he said smiling appreciatively. I know it's direct to ask but can I get your number? So that we can hang out sometime I ask hoping he'd be cool with it. Sure, and with that we exchanged numbers.

Tenko pov

Toga, I've gotten his number I say on the phone. Dabi-kun! Shiggy got the number Toga yelled out to him. He said damn it I wonder why she says giggling away. Whatever you guys are doing there it better not be bad I grumbled. Of course, don't worry Shiggy Toga said in her normal weird tone when she sees All Might's child (wait, that's worst). Bye, and stop calling me that I said before hanging up.

Natsuo pov

Omg I hate Mr Ronald's lectures so much, he's barely even talking "textbook", he's talking about his deeds for goodness sake. I started to play video games to pass time, I'll study later. So you're into gaming? a voice came from beside me. I could tell they've just arrived because I chose the seat where no one would wanna sit. I paused my game and looked up to see it was Tenko. Hey, it's you again I say a bit surprised. It's me he answers with a chuckle. You taking Bio as well? I ask to start of the conversation. Yea also Chemistry as my majors he adds. Shut up, me too although Chemistry is just for funs I say. So I guess our timetables are practically the same he states chuckling. When's your free break? I ask out of curiosity. After this why? he questions. Oh I was wondering if you uhh wanna study Bio together since I sure as hell wasn't listening I answer grinning like an idiot. Yea I mean I too need help he says. Cool so library or my dorm? I ask. I'm down with anything he answers back. Ok then my dorm it is, I'll lead you there I say before trying to focus on what Mr Ronald was saying although it was no use.

Dabi pov

Keigo, I need help like right now, do you mind flying over here? I ask on a phone call with him. Omg I'm on my way don't you worry with that he hung up on me and minutes later he's at the base window, my room window. I opened it so he could enter, he flew in frantically. Baby you alright? he ask hiding his pant. I hugged him, placing my face down his shoulder. Hey, you alright? You don't normally do this unless you're real anxious he asks with more worry and concern, playing with my hair to calm me down. Can I stay like this.. please Kei? I plead. I could hear a tiny gasp from Keigo before he sat us both down. What happened? he whispered into my ear. I rested my chin on his shoulders and started to explain everything about Shigaraki's plan to use one of my siblings and how I'm so sure it's Natsuo since he's likely the only one at the age to be at college. Baby, look at me he said, and I did. I looked at his gorgeous face, his muscular arms and his beautiful red feathers. Whatever Shigaraki has planned I'm sure he won't hurt your bro for he only using him for information about us Pro Heroes, plus he doesn't meddle in these stuff so he's practically useless to Shigaraki.  You're right I'm being paranoid I mumbled out. Say, what can I do to make you feel better? he asks smiling brightly. How about we watch a horror film? I ask taking my laptop out, his smiles instantly drops. I was typing away to find horror movies but only to notice I still haven't gotten a response. Birdie I need a response I say looking at him who looks terrified. You still hate horror? I question. He nods slowly, it's fine we'll find something else I answer laying him down beside me. No, if you wanna watch horror, we'll watch horror he says nervous but willingly. You sure? I question looking at him, ruffling with his hair. Mhmm he replied. 

Natsuo pov

Welcome to my humble abode I say bowing, gesturing my hands towards the open door. He bursts out laughing, telling me how ridiculous I am, all I gave him in response was a sheepish smile. Damn you even brought your gaming devices here? he questions wondering how I had fit it all in such a small space. I can't live without it I reply leading him to my bedroom/study room. I see you're a neat freak he comments upon seeing my room. So what do you wanna do? I ask nervously, this is technically my first time inviting someone myself and not someone bringing themselves to my place and make a wreck of it. How about we game? I mean we did study a while ago he suggests. Sure I say going out to set up my gaming setup and passed him one of my controllers. You mind I use the restroom? he asks. Yea, the restroom's in my room I answered which he replies with a small smile. I was going to choose a game when Tenko's phone kept ringing non-stop. Uhh Tenko your phone is ringing I called out. No response. I picked up his phone and decided to give it to him when I saw the caller's name and froze in my place. Just then he walked out of my room, and looked concerned. You alright? he ask looking at me. Who the fuck are you? I question with all my courage, showing him his phone. You figured it out way too soon he says frustratedly, approaching me. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME I yelled out creating a weapon with my ice powers. You really think that'd hurt me? he asks, staring into my eyes, smirking. Of course not I mumble out, hoping he hadn't heard me. Good to know we both think the same he answers before disintegrating my ice weapon and knocking me out.

Hawks pov

How the fuck am I feeling? Terrified as shit, I should've just told Touya I couldn't handle it. I hug my knees praying for the jump scares to stop popping up. Just then Touya pulled me close to his chest, and stroked with my hair, the movie had stopped playing and the laptop must be somewhere because I felt him move to keep the laptop elsewhere. Touya what are you doing? I ask. Shh he says continuing to stroke my hair and cuddle with me. I instantly felt the warmth and snuggled closer. You ok now? he asks, I could feel him looking at me. You were shivering he told me. Mhmm can we stay like this a little longer? I ask looking up at him. He chuckles, I wish we could birdie but I hear footsteps nearing meaning I've gotta go soon he answers, caressing my cheek. Oh well guess I'll take you to my apartment later, text me details, love ya I say giving him a quick kiss before I flew off.

Dabi pov

Dabi-kun~ Toga called out. What is it bloodsucker? I yell out. We've got company~ Toga chants out before walking away, I sigh out of annoyance and got up and out of the bed. As soon as I reach the bar, I see a tied up guy muffling through the gag that was place on his mouth while Shigaraki was taking more shots, trying to be less irritate, Kurogiri is obviously giving him the shots. Toga and Twice are trying to think of ways to "entertain" our guest and I am just as confused as ever. Shiggy, I can believe you got him this quick? Not to mention, he's quite jacked up, can I please take his blood? Pleaseeee Toga begged. Who did he capture? this came from me asking Spinner. He captured the Todoroki kid, god knows how he pulled it off Spinner replies in amazement and shock. NATSUO! my brain screamed but I kept my composure, I'm surprised they haven't notice he's close to escaping I muttered out.  Just then Shigaraki got closer to him lean towards Natsuo, whispering something into his ears before turning the shard of ice into dust. You think he heard me? I asked Spinner. Highly doubt so he states, looking at the condition our boss  was in. So anyone willing to let him crash in your rooms? Shiggy asks looking at us all. Oh me! Toga answers excitedly. HELL NO! Shiggy and I yelled out. Now all eyes were on me, shit. They're right Toga is the worst to have as a roommate Mr Compress blurts out. Hey! Toga and Twice whined. You seriously whining for this as well? I asked looking annoyed. Can someone just let him crash in your room? Shiggy questions irritated. Why not he stay with you? For extra lookout and you guys can go together for classes I suggest, knowing Natsuo was disagreeing. I think it's a great idea master Kurogiri chimes. Whatever he says untying Natsuo's ropes and dragging him to his room. 

Shigaraki pov

Do not yell I ordered him before taking the gag off. Who the hell are you? What the hell do you want from me? The fuck did I do?  he ask loudly, tears streaming down his face, trying to hide it. I pushed me to the bed and spread a blanket on his, he was going to push it away so I place both my hands firmly on his arms. You're shivering, hate me all you want but your hands are blue, so warm yourself up it's the best you've got I say looking at him before passing him the tissue box. Fuck you he says he voice wobbly. You want me to fuck myself here to make you feel better? I ask smirking. He pushed me away, covering his face in his blanket. Well this is gonna be a long night.

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