'It Is Not As It Seems'

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Sero POV

Kaminari! Wake up I yelled out as he passed out. Jirou, Tokoyami and Shoji immediately came to aid Kaminari. Tokoyami asked Dark Shadow to try wake Kaminari up with me as Jirou, Shoji Tokoyami handled the heaving crowd. Suddenly a man appeared in front of us claiming he could be helpful. We immediately let him help Kaminari but another person stopped the man. I'd keep my hands to myself if I were you, Asahi! said a man with fluffy gingered hair. Looks like the cat's got out of the bag but it'll be almost impossible to catch me Michio he said with a smug grin as he started to sprint out of the crowd. Not so fast Asahi! Jirou yelled out which made the man stop at his tracks. Now, now you are a pretty girl, purple hair, wears edgy clothing I must say you resemble lot like you mother Mika Jirou he said smirking to himself. You have answers and people are chasing after you for it, we can help you but you have to place your trust in us Jirou said while fidgeting with her necklace a bit. What makes you think I would do so? he asked. I could've reported you to the police already but I didn't and not many people knows about your criminal record am I right? So my theory is that you aren't running way to answer us but you're running away because Michio has always outsmarted you and you are playing the "safe game" and running away Jirou stated nonchalantly. You're a clever one but not quite right he said as everyone heard the police sirens. Well that is my cue to leave wish you all the best on the following days or months he said almost sarcastically before running away. Sorry folks but book signing event is over you may get the books from front if you like Michio said calmly. Everyone ran to the front like they were hypnotised by his voice but we stood firm in our tracks not moving an inch. So you kids are working with those two teens follow me, he said as his expression was unreadable. We followed him to wherever he was going in silence. Hey can I ask if they are alright? Tokoyami asked. Yes, they're Michio replied while carrying Denki without grunting. This kid is thin like very thin I can feel his ribs are you guys sure this kid is having a good eating diet? he asked with concern. What do you mean? I asked looking at him confused. Never mind that get in that car he said walking towards a FUCKING LIMOUSINE! We were all nervous to get in but we had to Michio has Kaminari. We went in obviously but as quietly as possible. HITO! TENYA! THANK GOD YOU'RE ALRIGHT! Jirou yelled out hugging them tightly. Not gonna lie I'm kind of jealous that she gets to have a hug with Tenya everyday and I have to wait at night. Tenya sat beside me and whispered we're fine don't worry he is on our side. I sighed out of relief and held his soft hand to feel at ease. So may I now ask why you two were acting as bodyguards? you both would've gotten your asses beaten up if I wasn't there Michio said looking directly at Tenya and Shinsou. We need to ask you something Tenya spoke up. Ask away he said looking at them with full attention. Look my sister Ayaka wants Tenya specifically to ask you which book you gave out to one of us at UA here's a picture of everyone Shinsou said showing a picture of the class. Ah this boy and I gave him the book called "It Is Not As It Seems" Michio said as he pointed as Sero's face. That day but how was Iida there? I asked. Like I said I saw a name tag and the name I saw was Tenya Iida but I'm guessing I was wrong he said chuckling. Remember I borrowed you my school coat last time in middle school since you were soaked by the rain? Tenya asked me. Yeah but that is relevant I answered back confused. Maybe he saw my name tag and mistaken me for you Tenya said. Maybe but I have questions myself as well for example how do you know Ayaka? Michio asked us. Well she is our substitute teacher for now Shoji answered. And she is making you do "detective work"? he asked. You can put it that way Jirou replied. Michio sighed looks like you guys are far from done here onwards, here is my number you all are gonna need it he said as he shoved the piece of paper towards Tokoyami. So where should I stop you all off? he asked. Oh at ############# please Tenya said. 

Michio POV (Thinking)

Ayaka always unpredictable. Whatever it is you're trying this time I'm in but don't get them in too much trouble. Looks like you're trying to decipher the code from the book, I don't blame you for trying but it is impossible. It isn't like morse code at all. It is like wordings from another world. No one will be able to tell. Well maybe Mira but I can't be so sure.

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