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Kaminari pov

I am too eager to wait patiently for us to get back to the dormitories. I know right now is not the time to be thinking about this but I just wanna distress and the best place to do it is the park near the dormitories. Also definitely not thinking about Shinsou I uhh oh fuck shit maybe I am thinking about him way too much. I packed my bags and went down to make some breakfast for Dejire. To my surprise she was down before me and prepared breakfast. Heh thanks Dejire but you know I could've done it I said taking a bit of toast. Brother why do you care about me so much? I look like father, you should've killed be then why didn't you do it? Dejire asks. I looked at her, how much she resembled father and answered because you are not him, eat up Dejire I'll see you later on. I love you brother she says pulling me into a hug. I know Dejire is thirteen this year and I couldn't bear it to leave her here alone but the neighbors promised to take good care of her. I love you too Dejire I say kissing her forehead. This toast I will take I added before leaving. She chuckled and closed the door behind me. I walked to school since I had no transportation with my bags since I packed a bit. 

In the alliance                                                                                                                                                                Shinsou pov

I obviously was first to reach so I stayed downstairs waiting for the next person. To my surprise I see a sweating Denki opening those doors, damn I thought it would be Iida. Hey Hito he says panting. Babe you're sweating bullets get a seat in the kitchen and wait for a drink I ordered. Okok chill he says carrying his bags but I took some of them. I made him a smoothie and kept it in his bottle, yea there are bottles labelled with our names. Thanks but I better get these bags in my room he says looking at his bags. Let me help I offered. Chill Shinsou it's only two bags he chuckled  but I still carried those bags for him. Hey Shin can  I ask you something??? he asked randomly. What it is? I questioned knowing he wouldn't have asked a question like that randomly. Well you see I've been having splitting headaches ever since Ayaka came and we completed all her tasks, I was wondering if you or anyone else has headaches too. He sounded serious so I obviously told him no but was willing to get some medicine from the pharmacists. Well we better wait downstairs then to make sure everyone else gets here he says with a huge smile plastered on his face, but this smile didn't feel like one of his normal smiles. As soon as we got down we caught Uraraka and Tsu  making out in the kitchen, so we decided to go to back to his room. Denki? Are you ok? I finally ask, he turns to look at me I could sense deep into those amber eyes of his that something was wrong. YOUSEEIMAYORMAYNOTHAVESEENTHEFUTUREANDISAWTHISWEIRDDEMONICFIGUREINMYDREAMSTALKINGTOSOMEONEANDTHATPERSONLOOKEDLIKEYOU! he blabbered. Woah that was fast but you may need to say it again and slower this time I say trying to calm him down. Remember when I asked if you had headaches and you said no? well I don't only get headaches but weird dreams which are all about one thing a black demonic figure being friendly but deathly, it is like a loop I also saw you there a-and you were sacrificing your life to that thing. You were bleeding so much I was there, I could feel I was there but I couldn't move. I-it's like a never ending situation a-and I just can't Denki starts crying. I hug him telling him that every is fine, Denki said otherwise. No, I'm serious and it feels real, wait no it is real! I chuckled a bit which made him panic even more, then I kissed him. He immediately stopped ranting and kissed me back, I slid my tongue into his mouth, exploring every bit of it, he let out a soft moan in between, snaking his arms around my neck. Then stopped, I didn't want it to go too far, I could see his disappointment so I whispered into his ear, we'll do it next time with a wink. He cheeks flushed red but he just sat there and wrapped himself in the sheets which gave me the reassurance that he has calmed down for a bit. I was about to get up but was held back by a pair of soft hands, belonging to Denki. Wait can we go on a date like around uhh an hour? he asked shyly. I was taken aback but it was a reminder that we don't always have everyday, so I decided to take him to watch a movie with me. I could see the excitement in his face when I agreed, get ready I told him as I left the room. 

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