The videotape

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We had went up to the balcony feeling more anxious than usual. I knew my sister but she has never acted this way in front of the family or Tenya and I. We finally reached the balcony in pin drop silence. Well what do you want from us? Fumikage asked trying his best to not sound so fearful. Nothing much Fumikage say where is she now, in college? Don't bring her name up now he said but with pure anger this time. What about him? Did he even get into med school? Ayaka asked knowing something is going to happen. NO, YOU KNOW HE DIDN'T, HE DECIDED TO KILL HIMSELF! Fumikage yelled. Look both of you quit it I said getting in between both of them. Ms Ayaka just because you are going to be teaching us soon, doesn't mean you have the rights to talk about personal things from a student with  out their consent I said glaring at her to just stop it and Fumikage I said as I turned to him you need to calm down already. HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM DOWN? Tokoyami yelled again. He is right you have to stop arguing Tenya finally said backing me up. Is this all you have to say to us Ms Ayaka? I asked hoping to get an answer. I did had the intention to bring up something to you three but I guess I'll just let curiosity kill you she said chuckling. We just left and I bet Tenya couldn't care less already at this point but what was waiting down for us was a double shocker. Everyone downstairs were just sitting down on the sofas and beanbags not even a word uttered from their mouths. Guys we need to be very careful not even the most a careless mistake can be made Tenya said. Why should we listen to you Four Eyes Bakugo spoke up, he wasn't yelling because he had a feeling that a presence was near by. He is right Uraraka said. Hey you guys haven't even listen to what he has to say Sero said. Yeah we should totally hear Iida out and then cast a vote, majority wins Momo said trying to make everyone calm but unfortunately that isn't working. Fine we all just muttered out. Seeing by Ms  Ayaka's behaviour something tells me she knows every bit about us and one thing we say that makes her pissed she will show no mercy I think that is her personality Iida said (btw Iida has never met Ayaka before he has just seen a pic of her shown by Shinsou). How did I even make her pissed Tokoyami asked. That is also what I wanted to ask you and Todoroki have you guys met her before or the people she mentioned? Iida asked. No, I'm sure but for my sister I'm not sure then Todoroki said. I'm an only child plus the people she was talking about were my cousins but I wouldn't say I was very close to them but I knew they were very antisocial Tokoyami said. From my knowing she most probably knew their struggles or she most probably uses the newspaper Iida said. PFFT I'm sorry but what information does a newspaper give you Ojiro asked. It definitely gives you more information than what is shown on your screen Iida said. Sero exactly knew what he meant (in my AU Sero is also smart but also a very fun an easy-going person). No way Sero said. Yes way Sero Momo said. Ok I know you all are in the middle figuring something out but we need an explanation Jirou said. Finally found my new target guess you're up first Kyoka we turned around to see Ms Ayaka grinning evilly. Come on give me a break already Jirou muttered but Ayaka obviously heard that. Your parents perished in a terrible fire and you were sent to an orphanage. After a few years when you were 6 years old and you were adopted by Fei Himura and Hizuki Yamada am I right Kyoka? Ayaka asked. At this moment including myself we were just as still as a statue with our mouths wide open. She just chuckled saying I'm leaving now. Wait aren't you suppose to be watching us Ms Ayaka Sato asked. Well do you want to starve tonight? she asked. I suppose not Sato said. Then I have to go but remember I have eyes behind my back misbehave and you are dead Ayaka said and left. Quick let us hurry up and find something that could possibly lead to her Todoroki whisper. Ok Sero said running to the dining table. He crouched down and took something under the table and said aha I knew something here. What's that? Kirishima asked. It looks like a video tape Iida said coming very closed to Sero to have a better look. Sero blushed a bit. Let us try it here Shoji said. We did and saw something very peculiar it looks like the past and now. We at least know her quirk now Hagakure said. That is impossible my parents adopted both of us from an orphanage and her quirk is looking at the past and future there is no way that could be Ms Ayaka's quirk Momo said. They most probably are working together now Koda spoke up (he stutters to people who makes him very uncomfortable so he doesn't stutter in front of his classmates). That isn't possible she is dead Momo said. Ok now we just got back to square one Sero said groaning in annoyance. Shut up already Jirou said. HELLO I'M ACTUALLY PUTTING AN EFFORT HERE Sero yell. No, one asked idiot Jirou replied. Both of you just shut up already please I want to figure this out already Iida said annoyed a bit. Sero come with me now Iida said. ....ok.... Sero said.

Finally I was actually done with it yesterday but decided to make it longer. Your welcome. Hope you enjoyed it bye~

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