The Horrific Past

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A/N - Imagine the pic shows his mom and sister and not Jirou, Shinsou and Kiri

* Next Day *

Kaminari pov

We were awake at 5 am still tired but we knew that we have no other option to make now. We were all lazily trying to find what to wear but before I could take my outfit Sero came next to me and chose an outfit for me saying I should try for a different look. He took one of his outfits and lend it to me.

Ok I'm gonna needa ask you where do you shop from now I said laughing because he outfits were so good and the material was also great

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Ok I'm gonna needa ask you where do you shop from now I said laughing because he outfits were so good and the material was also great. No problem dude I'll take you shopping later he said chuckling. Well c'mon we better get breakfast. We ran downstairs to the kitchen we immediately blushed hard when we laid eyes on the boys with tuxedos on. Sero was awestruck to see Iida's outfit. Well I can't really say I didn't act the same way when I saw Shinsou. He looked so damn hot and I wanted to play with that fluffy hair of his an- wait Kaminari why are you thinking bout this now? Snap out of it and focus on the main thing today! but they were wearing outfits like they were assassins?

Iida's outfit

Shinsou's outfit

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Shinsou's outfit

Morning guys! what is it with the tuxedos? Sero asked confused

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Morning guys! what is it with the tuxedos? Sero asked confused. Ayaka gifted us two fake identity cards as Michio's bodyguards Shinsou said waving the identity card. Miss Ayaka? I asked for confirmation. Shinsou nodded. Plus we should get going and you guys help yourselves with the sandwiches we made Iida said handing us the sandwiches. Wait guys before you go take this Momo made it for us she said that she also had figured it out and hasn't told anyone Sero said. How? I asked shocked. Actually some of us figured it out just that they didn't want to come kind of like working in the shadows which are Momo, Jirou, Tokoyami and Shoji. Shoji is also coming too he is going to the book event with Jirou and Tokoyami they should be here any minute now tho Sero said just seconds before the doorbell rang. Iida opened the door to see Jirou, Tokoyami and Shoji and let them into the house. May I know why I wasn't told beforehand about this? Shinsou asked. Add a we in there while your at it I commented to Shinsou which made him smile a little. Get a room Jirou and Tokoyami said in sync. Shut up! Shinsou yelled while I blushed hard at their comment. Okay stop teasing them and let's get going Shoji said. We left weirdly Shoji and Tokoyami stayed closer then usual and Jirou was being as quiet as ever just walking alone by herself. Sero was reading a novel which looked like one of the books I've read. I know I may act dumb but I love reading that is basically the only reason why I pass English which is the only subject I'm good at. My favourite is poetry I love Shakespeare one of best authors out there. Not long we've reached out destination at the book signing event. I suddenly became even more scared. My hands were trembling with fear for seeing the huge crowd. I know I may not show it but I have anxiety, really bad anxiety. I tried to calm down but it only makes my anxiety worst. It triggers the memories of my past.

A/N - Also to warn you this part might not be easy to read mentions of death, child abuse and sexual violence if you feel sensitive or disturb about these topics please do not read any further

* Flashback *

13 yr old Kaminari pov

It was the 29th June my birthday. It isn't something amazing. It always ends up with dad getting drunk and beating up my mom, sister and I. Dad doesn't do much to me I just end up getting beaten to the pulp. Whatever he does to my mother and sister is far more worst. Today mom plans to take my sister Dejire out to the mall. I am very excited to see Dejire and I want to spoil her rotten, she is basically my princess. I make my own money by working part-time of course if I were to tell father he would take all the money I work hard on and buy more beer bottles and sex toys. I was heading home but as I reached the doorstep I heard yelling and crying then BAM! it was quiet. I crept open the door to see blood and it smelt like a slaughter house here, I still heard sobbing coming from upstairs. I opened the door wide and shut the door behind me. To see my mom who was laying down on the floor dead. Father had raped her and killed her after doing it with her. I was in tears at the sight of my mom but I had no time to mourn, father was most probably beating Dejire up. I sprinted upstairs as fast as I could I saw dad pounding on Dejire's door and screaming threats at her. She was crying and begging for father to stop. I ran towards him to stop him but he turned to me furious and yelled WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO TOUCH ME! he yelled out as he pushed me hard to the cemented floor. PLEASE DAD STOP THIS! I begged him as tears stream and streaked out of my eyes. 

A/N - Ok flashback is done as Sero yells his name out asking him what's wrong and why he was trembling Kaminari had been in so much shock and fear that he got himself a whole crowd. That is it for the chapter I may have shed a few tears while writing about Denki's past, also I was listening to Train Wreck by James Arthur while writing this which make it worst if you read it while listening to that song. If you wish to listen to the song I'll put it on top before the part starts so you can play it. I might make another chapter about Kaminari's past but I might not update for this story for I still have two more to update and still haven't gotten to writing yet. So if I don't publish a chapter for this story you know why. 

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