ᘛ Random AF Scenarios # 1 ᘚ

Start from the beginning

“Then, it's you ... ” A scoff. “I haven't spent this much time with anyone 'cept Fredster or Chica. Monty I teach the Bass, sure, but still,” She sensed his arms tighten around her, not harshly, of course, in an amiable manner that heightened that flustered feeling. She didn't know where he was getting to, but the implications were there, and they made her more nervous than before. What if he didn't say what she anticipated?

“You're cool, and creative. Sometimes I think I just see a reflection of myself in you, and it makes me happy, and sad all the same,” A heavier inflection in his voice was the new addition, his inner machinery beeping softly, a harbinger of what lay ahead. “I don't like when you talk down to yourself just because of the people around. You're lovely as you are, fitting no mantle of some other. You are your own, and you're amazing!”

Lovely as you are

Of all the things he said, that stayed with her the longest. She wanted to hear it, again and again. She wanted to hear the faint drop in the movement of his inner circuitry when he expelled those words. That sense of affection she'd held, she wanted to push it on to its zenith, praying in very core that he'd say it again.

But, to her dismay, it didn't repeat, instead now, he had a question for her again. Instantly, the first word had her back to focusing on him, ears perking more alertly than they usually would.

“You never told me either, about what you thought about me ..” He chuckled. “If you don't mind ...”

Why would she mind? She thought. She loved him. Every inch of him. There was so much to say, so much she just wanted to confess right there and then, and bombard him with all that affection she concealed within. Though, it was all too overwhelming, and the minute she braced herself to speak up, she knew she couldn't. She'd either confuse him, or break down in the middle of it and would've conveyed nothing.

So, instead, she pondered on a different method; on something that would be short, but concise. Something that'd explain everything without having to do too much. It didn't take her long, to recall a gesture one of those people that'd come in the first day to teach them how to do things, had committed. She remembered how the woman had told her it was gesture made to tell someone you loved them without saying too much. She reminisced on the memory for a while, before she finally shifted.

Shuffling away from the other — that did startle him a little, hence the 'Rox-?' that'd slipped his voice-box — she examined him, watching his features for a moment; how the small nose complimented the larger muzzle, the buckteeth, the eyes, everything. She scanned him for a moment, before at last, she'd leaned in, and with that, had touched her muzzle lightly to his. Heh ... her answer to his question ...


He hummed softly, head leaning close upon her own. The abnormal heat radiating from his chassis had lessened none, and with the current proximity, she could easily hear the faster-than-the-usual whining of his gears; the source of that warmth in the first place. Despite him being on rest mode, she knew something was off, maybe his cooling systems had malfunctioned. The matter couldn't be let go of without discussing it with the repairs department, but, if she were to tread on the thin ice of trying to convince him, she knew the result would worsen his condition.

So, she sat there, silent and in a mental conflict, hand gently caressing his chest as a futile effort to ease him. The effects of overheating always ended in an aching frame, a foggy consciousness, a tainted belief of the world around oneself. She saw all those effects in him. When she'd found him earlier he was in a half-hallucination, seeing colors spiking from herself according to him. His words had also been slurred and coming in broken strings of letters and nonsensical phrases. And, now that he lay beside her, his barely acknowledging demeanor was a testament to that fragment sense of the world, because he'd said nothing ever since ...

◢ Random Scenarios from the darkest pits of hEck 〈 2023 〉 ◣Where stories live. Discover now