Chapter XX: Sproutage Day

Start from the beginning

"The temporary seizure of the throne has damaged us all. Despite how my father was born to live a life beneath the moon, he went against the odds for the sake of love. His love for us, and his love for this kingdom. He valiantly pressed on after the passing of my mother, Queen Shine, and did not deserve to have his home—our home—swept away from beneath the rug." Aureate sighed. She gave pause. Her leaf blades had a tremble to them, she could feel, prompting her to tighten her grip on the railing. Stelora took that as her cue to step in.

"People of the Sunfall Kingdom. My name is Stelora Solarex. Long ago, I was stolen away by the Gem Hunters, and the entirety of Choria was forced to suppress their memories in regards to my very existence," she said, voice cutting through the fragile quiet like a dagger. Initially, when Stelora woke up, she made it clear she had no desire to make herself re-known in Choria. So, one could imagine Aurate's surprise when she made such a declaration.

"Still, I know this kingdom. Flawed though it may be, I'm sure nobody wishes for the air that currently resides. What we've gone through, in being attacked by the Gem Hunters, is a chance to become stronger."

"So, all we can do is grow from this hardship together. As a kingdom united," Aureate finished.

The claps were scattered, at first, but they quickly grew to a rally of approval. Aureate felt her spirit soar.

"Welcome home, Princess Stelora!" One of them shouted with a misty gaze. Both she and Stelora bowed. "This is going better than I expected," Stelora admitted through a whisper while their heads were lowered.

"Hopefully, we can keep up the momentum," Aureate replied in the same tone. Once the praise had died down, the time had come for the more.. troublesome part.

"There are a few more announcements to make. No doubt, you're all wondering why the Gem Hunters had seized the castle to begin with. If any of you were watching the ongoing battle yesterday, the answer would be clear. But if not, then, we have a confession to make."

She was the first to transform. Her once golden petals changed to those bearing a multitude of colors within the same shade, all the while surrounded by a certain glow. It was a simple change, but sparked such a difference in her Cora Signature, the audience couldn't help but react.

"I am Daybreaker, the bearer of the Topaz of Light. For so long, have the Gembearers been missing from Choria. But with the disappearance of the eighth comes the birth of the ninth. Please, welcome all of us with no prejudice."

One by one, each Gembearer stood and introduced themselves. Willow Reed, known as Virtuoso, decided to be the second. Then, Panacea. Their most recent, Nicholas as Ombretta, was the next to step forward. Aureate initially found his Gem appearance to be peculiar, but looking at it then, with the rising sun outlining the mushroom, she thought the light blues to be quite endearing. There were two antennae attached to the top of his cap. Combined with the near floor-length cloak, his appearance resembled that of a moth. She could only wonder why.

Together, they faced the crowd. The people of the Sunfall Kingdom. Their people. But, that wasn't all of them.

Aureate turned her head to face the undead folk behind her. Lloyd matched her eyes with eagerness, prompting her to give him a nod. With a short exhale, he stepped forward to face the plants.

Gasps rippled throughout the Sunfallians. Some overcame their shock in favor of shooting at the soldier. He stiffened, bracing himself for the oncoming flurry of peas, sun pulses, and the like.

"You will cease your fire this instant!" Aureate summoned her sword, deflecting each and every shot with speed considered admirable. "B-But it's a zombie!" A civilian called. There were more cries of agreement then she would've preferred, though it was to be expected.

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