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Rul and Lila looked down from orbit at the capital.

"I suggest we take care of the fell races in the plains surrounding the city first since there are no civilians thus we can use our powers more freely without worry that innocent people will be caught up in the crossfire."Lila communicated telepathically to Rul.

Rul nodded his head.

The pair descends to the planet.

Eshinor(Ariand capital of Eshinor)

The once beautiful and proud city of Ariand is getting raised to the ground by the fell races.

James and his party did everything they could to fight against the unending hordes of the enemy but they got overrun.

To save themselves the hero and his party hid in a safehouse.


"It's all that no mana freak fault!If another has been summoned in his place this would not have happened!"James exclaimed

"This is all his fault!A loser gets summoned and everything goes to hell!If another pro like me is summoned this would not have happened!All of this is his fault!"James blamed Rul for why the capital is falling.

"Huh?I thought there is only 1 hero summoned which is you?Why are you talking like there is another hero summoned?"Sally asked

James eyes widen in shock as he is too angry blamming his failure at defending the city to Rul.

"Well the can of worms has been opened I can't close it now.Basically ladies there is another hero summoned.He has a black uniform with a flowing black cape but don't let that fool you that is powerful as he has no mana I repeat he has no mana which means he is completely useless."James said

"No way!A hero with no mana!That is no hero at all most likely just a leech.I can't believe a loser like him is summoned next to our hero James."Sally laughed

"So he is dead?"Sarah said

"Of course!He became bait for the fell races in the thesis forest.I bet there is nothing of him left after the fell races are finished with him."James said


A thunderous sonic boom suddenly shook the capital.

"What the hell just happened!"James immediately went out of the safe house to see what was going on.

"Wait!"His party members chased after their hero.

"Look up in the sky! impossible... impossible it can't be!"James could not believe what he was seeing.

James would never forget the display of power that is going to be shown.

Eshinor(Ariana Plains)

The pair descend is so fast to Eshinor that their speed is compressing the air ahead of them which causes the temperature around them to rise drastically. The temperature soon gets so high that the air molecules literally break down into ions and electrons. At this point, the air becomes a plasma which surrounds Rul and Lila bodies like a halo of blinding light.

The plains ring like a bell as the pair descends it was as if the plains itself is afraid of their might.

To onlookers from afar is a beautiful sight it is like two stars descending down from the heavens.


Rul flies around the plain and unleashes monstrous blast of heat vision down at the fell races which causes the fell races in its way to be incinerated.The ice tyrant Rex is simply consumed in heat so hot that it simply could not fight it even with it's magical nature.

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