Save the world or not?

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Eshinor(Jerial island)

Rul and Lila flew across 1000km of open ocean in 5 seconds and returned to Jerial island.

"That Anna lady is getting crazy."Lila lands softly on the ground

"Agreed."Rul lands next to Lila in a calm manner.

"I think we should stop selling precious stones and metals we are lucky considering the last trip to the village we did not run into bandits demanding money from us.I suggest for our following trip to the village we sell some of the sea life."Lila said

"I agree.For the past 2 trips to the village we have been selling precious stones and metals which has garnered some unwanted attention from the bandits.We should sell stuff that is less valuable like food."Rul said

"Exactly."Lila said

"Ok let's begin to fish then but don't over fish we don't want to destroy the eco system."Rul said

"Of course."Lila replied

"Can you spare some iron ingots?I need it to make some buckets.For us to store our catch before you store it in your pocket dimension."Rul said

"Sure."Lila took out a dozen iron ingots from her pocket dimension.

"Thanks I will be quick."Rul took the iron ingots and quickly made several buckets.

"Now I just filled it up with water."Rul quickly flew to the beach to fill the bucket half full of water before returning to Lila position.

"Ok so we will place the sealife we caught and placed it in the buckets got it."Rul said

"Loud and clear.Let's go and catch some sealife."Lila

The pair immediately took to the skies and dived down towards the waters surrounding the island to catch some sealife.

Eshinor(Village of Sirius)

"Wait why are you soldiers leaving?"Village elder Matthew asked

"Basically rotation of troops.There will be another batch of troops to replace us.Stay calm and trust the authorities everything will be okay."The colonel assured the village elder Matthew that everything will be okay.

"Hold on for a second.Every rotation occurs every 2 months according to the military and you and your troops have been only here for 1 month! Something terrible must have happened isn't it."Mathew replied

"Boys hurry up!We got orders to go the capital! Double time move it you maggots!"The colonel shouted at his men

The soldiers under the colonel command quickly moved around to gather everything needed for travel.

"Village elder.I recommend you not to think so much.You are sounding like those conspiracy theorists who are downright nutjobs.Trust the authorities which is to stay calm everything will be fine."The colonel warned

Everyone in the village saw the troops that is supposed to protect the village left the village.

"What is going on village elder?"Anna asked

"Get your adventurers to scout the  area around the village I want to know just what is going on around us.I got a bad feeling about this."Matthew said

"Yes sir."Anna immediately went back to the adventurer guild to set up scouting quests.

4 days later

Adventurer guild

Meeting room

"2 million fell races coming here!"Village elder Matthew exclaimed as he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

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