Reunion fights part 1

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Eshinor(Haron forest)

Several days later

"Do you find anything?I don't think I can be of great help here since you know I can't scan stuff that is affected by magic."Rul said

"No.My divine magic is not detecting any individual with great magical might here."Lila said

After the unnatural bigfoots attack the pair decided that they should check the forest for anything unnatural but came up with nothing.

"Lila how can anyone escape the senses of a goddess?"Rul asked

"Hiding stones could be the only explanation.These stones are made by the demon forces to hide their troop formations from my and my sisters."Lila said

"So we are fighting demon forces now?"Rul asked

"No.The demons that specialise in producing these stones are long gone as they are priority targets for me and my sisters.

These stones pose such a threat to us that my sister the goddess of lightning did hold back her powers when going on the offensive which indirectly caused the complete annihilation of the small nation.What is left of the kingdom is a giant crater."Lila said

"Kingdom of Mina?"Rul asked

"The kingdom of Mina is a small nation but it has a huge reserve of mana stone reserves thus it becomes a frequent target for invasions by larger powers.The small nation managed to defend itself very well due to huge reserve of mana stones but the frequent invasions of larger powers scarred the population deeply to always want more power so that it can defend itself better.

So when the land was ripped apart by great tremors demons poured out of the gapping hole and began a great conquest.The nation of Mina sided with the demon forces in exchange of power which were granted as the nation gained great power.

The demons are then allowed to use huge reserves of mana stones in the nation to forge hiding stones which masked huge enemy troops formations to me and my sisters.

This lead to great defeats across the front so it become a military priority to take out the producing facility of the hiding stones.

Through various intelligence gathering we soon found out that the kingdom of Mina is the where the hiding stones are produced so an offensive is planned however we need to distract the demons thus it is decided each goddess will lead a fake offensive to distract the demons from the real offensive.

In the end it worked as the demons pulled away their forces from the kingdom of Mina to the locations of where the fake offensives are being conducted

My sister the goddess of lightning led the offensive to the nation of Mina.My sister did not hold back her powers as she did not care about the civilian casualties as it has been decided these stones got to go regardless of the price paid. Thus the entire kingdom got destroyed as a result.There are no survivors."Lila said

Rul suddenly turns in the direction of the village of Sirius

"What's wrong?"Lila asked

"That idiot has arrived at the village and he is causing trouble.Time to put that lowlife in his place."Rul flew off

Lila followed suit.

Eshinor(Village of Sirius)

"Hey let me in!I am the hero!"James demanded to be let into the village.

"Ok..calm down...why are you here hero?Is the military finally coming here to restore order to these lawless lands?"Matthew gestured for the warrior bunnies to let the hero and his party enter the village.

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