Building and defence

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Eshinor(Jerial island)

Rul flew out of the dungeon and heads for the sky not far behind is Lila following closely behind him.

"Your fast."Lila explained


"So what is your name?"Lila asked

"Rul.Call me Rul."Rul replied

"Rul...Rul hmmmm that is a nice name."Lila commented

"So where would you like to start building a normal life?"Lila asked

"This island seems like a good place to start.The lightning storms here have faded."Rul stated

"We are around 1000km from the main continent.Good for keeping out invasions."Lila commented

"However I want to do something first."Lila approached the dungeon and with a snap of her fingers a bright light came down from the sky and strike the dungeon instantly destroying the entire dungeon.

"Now we can start building."Lila said

"Not yet.We need to ensure that the island has no dangerous creatures.Are there any dangerous creatures on the island?"Rul said

"There are just some slimes, spiders the size of a normal window and lastly the grey birds.Nothing out of the ordinary."Lila said

"Grey birds?"Rul asked

"Giant birds the size of a dinner table and covered in grey feathers.It loves to eat brains."Lila explained

Rul immediately scans his surroundings for any grey birds as he does not want to have his brain eaten.

"Okay then.Time to do some pest clearing around the island."Rul cracked his knuckles.

"I recommend not to wipe out the entire population and to fight the creatures at night."Lila said

"Why?"Rul asked

"These creatures have good drops.For example the eyes of the grey birds are used to make medicine that can increase one eyesight to several times of humans for several minutes.The feathers of the grey birds are used to make high quality non enchanted arrows.The meat of grey birds are a delicacy here in Eshinor.

Spider eyes can be used to make  potions that allows one to climb obstacles extremely quickly and lastly slimes are used for weapons and armour upgrade material which adventurers pays a lot for it.

Lastly these creatures only appear at night."Lila explained

"I see.Then I suggest we start building first then once night arrives we go to hunt."Rul said

"Yes."Lila replied

Rul immediately begin to punch some trees and collect it to use it as building materials to build a house.

Huge stacks of logs are being created by Rul as he stacks the logs up.

When the logs are enough the Kryptonian immediately went to find a flat area to build the house which he found easily due to telescopic vision and x ray vision.

Rul quickly with immense strength speed, precision laid down the foundation of the house using the logs.Once the foundations are in place Rul immediately begins to build the walls of the house.He decided that the house shall be a two story house.

The walls of the house are completed but with openings as that are to be filled with windows and doors and soon Rul decided to insert the windows first but he needs glass.

Rul immediately went to the beach and unleashed his heat vision in a controlled manner and soon he created glass.

Taking the glass he created he flew back to the building site to continue to finish the house.

Thriving in another world as a kryptonian जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें