First impressions

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Eshinor(Jerial island)

"Anyways let's prepare our hunt for sale."Lila gestured to the creatures they have hunted.

The pair immediately went to prepare their hunt for sale and trade.After finishing preparing their hunt for sale.

Lila snaps her fingers all of their goods fall into what seems to be a portal.

"Where is the nearest settlement?"Lila asked

"Wait let me see."Rul uses his telescopic vision to see across the vast open ocean.

"1000km away in the north west direction.There is a settlement called Sirius."Rul finished his scan.

"You can see that far?This kind of eye sight only belongs to the divine."Lila is impressed by Rul's ability to see great distances.

"You ain't seen nothing yet."Rul said

"Huh..then I am getting interested in what your true capabilities are."Lila getting excited at what Rul is truly capable off.

The pair quickly took for the skies and began to fly across the vast stretch of ocean to their destination.


The pair flew at extremely vast speeds. Crossing 1000km of open ocean in 5 seconds moving at a whopping speed of 200km per second.

Their 5 second flight caused massive shockwaves which indirectly caused some rogue waves to form on the water surface luckily no one is in the path of those rogue waves.

Rul black cape whipped frantically behind him due to the shockwaves

Eshinor(Village of Sirius)

When the pair are nearing the village they gradually slow down their speed. However even in their slowed down speed the pair are still travelling at mach 2 which causes sonic booms.

Village elder Matthew tightened his grip on his sword while he looked into the sky and saw 2 people descending from the sky.

Rul and Lila finally touched down at the village garnering lots of attention.

"Hey you two state your attention!What are you two here for!"Village elder Matthew points his sword at the male in the weirdest black uniform or armor he has ever seen.

According to what Matthew sees the man is wearing a black suit composed of unknown materials bound like chainmail. It has art-like pieces on the side that run up the back of the suit, down past the waist and the top half of the legs, and forming a sort of belt across the midriff. A black cape that is attached around the neck that runs down to the ground.

"My name is Rul and this fine young lady next to me is my companion Lila.We are here to sell our goods here."Rul said

"Okay I give you two the benefit of the doubt but if you two companion have any hostile intentions you both are going down got it."Matthew warned and sheathed his sword back in his scabbard.

"Duly noted kind sir."Rul replied

The village elder walked away.

"That is not a pleasant welcome."Lila sighed

"Well when you have two unknown beings that flies to your village of course you will be cautious."Rul said

"Come on now let's go and sell our goods."Rul scans for the shop that is more likely to buy their goods.

"Found it.The shop just 50m from here sell potions.We could sell the spider eyes and the eyes of the grey birds."Rul walked to the potion shop

Lila followed after Rul.

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