ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 54: TᕼE ᗪOᗯᑎᑭOᑌᖇ

Start from the beginning

"You damn bitch! You bit me!" he exclaimed sternly, touching his throbbing lip. Elena's eyes welled up with tears as she came to a stark realization of the situation unfolding before her, and she slowly stepped back.

"Don't... don't you ever touch me again, Lance!" she stammered, fear evident in her voice, before swiftly making a run for the door. This time, she didn't bother with being inconspicuous; her sole aim was to reach her car as quickly as possible.

Tears streamed down Elena's face as she sprinted out of the house and into the street, her ragged breaths reflecting the intense fear consuming her. She couldn't believe she had just taken such drastic action against one of the neighborhood drug dealers. Lost in her own turmoil as darkness descended upon the streets, Elena soon found herself accidentally colliding with another person.

"Aw..Ah!" she yelped as she stumbled, crashing hard onto the pavement. Landing on her knees, she used her hands to cushion the fall.

"Oh, are you okay?" Elena's heart skipped a beat upon recognizing the familiar voice. She couldn't fathom how cruel fate could be, how it seemed to work against her desires and thoughts. The person she had collided with was the last individual she wanted to encounter. The sudden joyful barking of a dog shattered the silence of the street. Elena tried to shield her face as the dog happily licked her in excitement.

"Elena?" he muttered in disbelief upon recognizing the woman on the ground.

"Reeve, move!" Keilander commanded his dog as he swiftly crouched down to help her up.

"Please, stand up," he softly urged as he reached for her arms to assist her, but her response was unexpected. She pushed him away, her hand getting dirty with nearby mud, which she then flung at him. Keilander gasped in shock as the mud splattered on his white shirt and across his face.

"What is wrong with you!" he shouted in frustration, looking down at his dirtied shirt. Elena smirked and swiftly rose to her feet, watching as he struggled to regain his composure.

"That's all you are, a dirty ass jerk!" she spat furiously, striding past him to reach her car parked at the far end of the street. Keilander's jaw tensed as he watched Elena walk away.

"You... listen to me!" he muttered, gripping her arm and turning her around, his eyes burning with rage and frustration.

"I know you're angry about what you found out about me days ago! Please, just let me explain everything to you," he pleaded, gazing into her wounded eyes. Elena scoffed at his words, attempting to pull her arm away.

"How could you possibly justify hiding such a crucial part of your life? You're a married man who was trying to seduce another woman! How much of a bastard could you be to do that to me? I trusted you, allowed myself to feel, which I promised myself long ago that it would never happen!"

"I hate you for seducing me and dragging me into your sick games!" she cried out, hitting him repeatedly against his chest. Keilander bore the blows, listening to her desperate cries.

"Listen to me, Elena! I never played with you, I am sincere when I'm with you!" He raised his voice, gripping her wrists firmly against her will, his eyes locked onto her tearful gaze. She scoffed and struggled to free herself from his grasp.

"How can you say that when you're married!? You're married, for heaven's sake!" she screamed at him, her hysteria beginning to take hold.

"Get off me!" she scolded, pushing him with enough force to make Reeve grow uneasy about the situation. Reeve started to bark hesitantly at the couple before him, prompting Keilander to sigh and quickly turn his attention to his dog.

"Sit, boy," he mumbled, soothing Reeve as he stroked the dog's neck. Elena observed in silence as she watched him calm down his dog. She slowly wrapped her arms around herself, concealing the paper bag within her robe.

"Elena, please... let's walk together and talk about everything! You deserve to know what I've been hiding from you because I can't stand seeing you cry because of me! I hate it... so much," he pleaded, his voice filled with sincerity and regret.

"I just need you to listen to me, please," he said, taking a step forward, causing her to instinctively take a step back.

"All I know is that I was a fool for you! I was so stupid to believe you were different from other men. But it turns out you're just like them, or maybe even worse," she said with a heart that had been bleeding for far too long. Keilander felt his frustration growing as Elena seemed unable to think rationally, knowing it would be difficult to break through to her.

"You don't understand! Please don't be stubborn and listen to what I have to say! It's a long story, so I need you to calm down and listen," he repeated, moving closer to her and grasping her arm. Elena's eyes widened at his sudden action, and as she tried to remain still, the bag began to slip from inside her robe.

"Kelan, I'm not interested in your explanation! Just tell me, are you married?" she asked, her eyes piercing into him. Keilander pursed his lips, meeting her unbothered gaze.

"Just... just let me explain," he added, but Elena quickly cut him off, yanking her arm away.

"Kelan, are you married, yes or no? Just answer my damn question!" she demanded, unwavering. Keilander sighed and tilted his gaze heavenward in disbelief at Elena's behavior.

"Yes, but it's not what you think!" he exclaimed in frustration. Elena chuckled at his words, finding them utterly meaningless to her at that moment.

"That's all I needed to know! And you know what... I wasn't very truthful to begin with either," she said with a smirk on her face, startling him.

"What do you mean?" he asked, studying her taunting expression intently.

"I am engaged and will be marrying someone soon! I suppose we played each other quite well, Kelan," she revealed, her throat tightening at the sight of his stunned expression.

"I will forget you, Kelan! Even if I have to marry someone else, it won't be you!" she declared, her broken voice revealing the pain in her eyes. Keilander gasped and quickly reached for her face.

"What are you saying, Elena? Since when have you been engaged?" he asked with a pained expression, holding her face to meet her gaze. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she defiantly returned his gaze.

"Since I returned from abroad! I will marry him, Kelan, and I will forget that this ever happened!" she stated, causing his muscles to tense up.

"You don't know what you're saying, Elena! Please, for the love of God, don't do this! I made a mistake in not telling you about my marriage, I just needed time! Elena, I don't love her, I love you!"

"Please, please, look at me and listen to me! I love you!" he pleaded, pulling her closer with tears welling up in his eyes.

"Kelan, it's clear that we were both just trying to survive whatever was going on in our personal lives! I just don't have the strength to fight for a love that began with deception," she declared, pushing his hands away from her face and then running swiftly towards her car. He watched her departure, his heart heavy with sorrow. It felt as though the world sympathized with him as the sky wept, raining down as he stood there, silently witnessing her car vanish into the distance.

 It felt as though the world sympathized with him as the sky wept, raining down as he stood there, silently witnessing her car vanish into the distance

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Is this really the end?

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