Chapter XLIX

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

Black Zetsu stared through the wall of the makeshift tree Nagato, Konan, and Naruto were in.

His yellow eyes watched in surprise as the emaciated Nagato used the secret seventh jutsu of the Rinnegan to resurrect the people of Konohagakure. His red Uzumaki hair was now white.

Naruto: <shocked> Did you just—?

Nagato: <panting> War inflicts death, injury, and pain on everyone. The truth is, the more precious someone is to us, the harder it is for us to accept that they might die. Sometimes you actually convince yourself there's no way they could die.

Blood dribbled from his mouth as his body shivered.

Nagato: This naïveté can't be helped, especially with a generation like yours. A generation that does not know war. You might try to find meaning in war, but all there is is loss and unbearable pain. All that senseless death, it unleashes a cycle of violence and hatred that never ends. War creates only more war. And those are the things you will face in the coming days, Naruto.

Black Zetsu: <thinking> Hmm... A correct prediction indeed.

Nagato: The parallels between you and that book...

He glanced at the book that Jiraiya had once written in which the main character was named Naruto.

Nagato: almost feels like someone set it all up. Like it was all the work of an actual god.

Black Zetsu grinned wickedly.

Black Zetsu: <thinking> You don't even know how right you are on both accounts, my dear boy...


When (Y/N) woke up, pain shot through his body. He groaned and winced. He felt like he was on fire.

Naruto: (Y/N), you're awake!

He rushed over to the white haired male who realized that he was on top of crumbled pieces of rubble.

(Y/N): Ow... Ugh... I feel awful...

Naruto bent over him and smiled.

Naruto: It's over, (Y/N). Everything's been resolved.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened. He sat up quickly, only to let out a groan; his body still in pain.

(Y/N): S-So Pain's been dealt with? The real body, I mean?

Naruto pointed over a few feet away. Konan stood there with two bodies covered in her paper pieces floating next to her.

(Y/N): What the—?! She's Akatsuki, too!

Naruto: I know, (Y/N). Just, listen. It's a little bit complicated, but Nagato—that's who Pain really was—is dead.

(Y/N): He is? Did you... Did you kill him?

Naruto: N-No. He used some secret justu to... <smiles> He broke everyone back.

(Y/N): Huh? What does that mean?

Naruto: All of the people who died in his attack. They're all back!

(Y/N): Wha—?!

His breath caught in his throat. All of the pain he was feeling was pushed from his mind. Everyone who died was back? Did that mean Kakashi and Hinata were—?

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