Chapter XXXVI

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N) howled in pain as he gripped his right eye. No blood was leaking out of it, and he could still see. What had she done to him?

Naruto called out (Y/N)'s name concerned as he rushed forward, pushing past Ogino and Tengan.

The blond boy only got a few feet before they jumped on top of him, pinning him to the ground.

Naruto: Lemme go!! What'd you do to (Y/N), you bastard?!

Sai hurried forward as well. Kurisu moved to grab him, but he slashed her in the chest with Crimson.

Kurisu yelped and fell backwards to the ground. Sai bolted towards his friend.

Sai: (Y/N)!!

Horikiri grabbed Sai and pulled him back towards her. She easily restrained him. Crimson fell to the ground, uselessly.

(Y/N) fell forward, hands on the ground trying to hold himself up. The pain was still there. He panted heavily.

Yugen turned to Naruto and Sai. She motioned for her followers to bring them closer to her.

Naruto and Sai both glared at the woman. Her smile never left her face.

Naruto: What did you do?!

Yugen: Things got out of hand so I had to correct them. He won't be able to use that form anymore.

Naruto: What?!

(Y/N) began to shiver. His eye wasn't bleeding or anything, and he could still see out of it. Why did it hurt so much though?

Yugen: Besides, he won't need that form when the eye I gave him begins to evolve more.

Sai: You mean the Sharingan?

Yugen: Yes. That's not it's final form.

She looked at Naruto. He grit his teeth.

Yugen: My accomplice does not want me to kill you, Jinchuriki...

Her eyes moved over to Sai. She grinned, wickedly.

Yugen: But you are useless. You can die.

Sai began to squirm around, trying to break free, but Horikiri's grip was too strong.

Horikiri: <laughing> Don't worry. It'll be a painless death.

Naruto elbowed Tengan in the face before punching Ogino off of him.

Naruto: You're not killing anyone!!

He charged towards Yugen, but Furuse grabbed him by the neck and held him up before slamming him into the ground.

Furuse: Don't even move a muscle, fool.

Yugen walked over to Sai and reached out to grab his head.

Just then, (Y/N) stood up and grabbed Yugen's arm, yanking her back from Sai.

Horikiri: What the—?!

Yugen easily broke from his grip and turned, smiling at him.

Yugen: What a will you have. It's impressive.

(Y/N) glared at her. His eye still hurt, but he found the strength to stand up.

Yugen: You don't even have any chakra left. What can you hope to do?

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