Chapter X

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Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

(Y/N) met up with Naruto and Sakura near a building.

(Y/N): Oh, there you guys are! I was told to meet here, but I didn't see anyone at first.

Sakura: Yeah. So far, it's just us.

Naruto: Did Grandma Tsunade really find us some new members, or is this all some kind of elaborate prank?

Sakura: Hey, don't freak out. The three of us just got here a little bit early, that's all. There's still a bit of time before the others are supposed to be here.

(Y/N): I hope they aren't always late all of the time like Kakashi-sensei.

As he said that, someone approached them. It was the boy who had attacked Naruto, (Y/N), Shikamaru, and Choji in the street.

Sakura: Oh?

The boy gave them a weird smile.

???: Hello.

Naruto: Hey, what are you doing here? You're that guy from the roof, earlier.

(Y/N): I've got a bad feeling about this.

Another person walked up to them. He was an adult with brown hair and a happuri-like forehead protector.

Man: Uh, it's a pleasure to meet the both of you. From now on, I'll be taking Kakashi's place.

(Y/N) waved at him, while Naruto continued to glare at the mysterious boy.

Sakura: Naruto, do you know him already?

Naruto: Yeah. This jerk attacked me and (Y/N) for no reason when we were with Choji, Ino, and Shikamaru today.

It was Sakura's turn to glare at the boy. Naruto, meanwhile, took out a kunai and raised it, while the boy grabbed the hilt of his tanto.

(Y/N) sweatdropped, while the new leader of Team Kakashi moved forward.

Leader: That's enough, Naruto.

Naruto: Oh, yeah. Who are you, anyway?

Sakura: Oh, wait. Are you—?

Leader: I'll be filling in as team captain while Kakashi's recovering in the hospital. Please, call me Yamato.

Sakura: Captain Yamato...

Yamato: You four are going to be comrades now, so you'd better learn to get along with each other.

Naruto: <gasps> You're joking... Comrades with him?

(Y/N): <sighs> Okay, then. If we're going to be teammates, you better explain why you attacked us earlier.

???: <weird smiles> I'm sorry about earlier. But, you see, I knew we were going to be teammates, and I wanted to see how strong you were.

Naruto: Oh. Well, that was pretty stupid. You didn't have to go that far.

???: I was just curious to see how strong you'd be. Now I know you're not packing anything major.

(Y/N): Lmfao.

Sakura had to hold Naruto back from attacking the boy.

Naruto: What did you just say?! 💢

Sakura: <angry> We have to work together with this guy! You can't start off fighting from the get-go! <to the boy> And the same goes to you. That wasn't very nice.

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