Chapter 37

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I go through the hallways to my old room. It's still exactly as I remembered it. In order not to appear strange, I go to Second Reich's room. It still seems like it used to be. I close the door and sit on a wooden chair before I look into the basket, there is chocolate, a pear and an apple in it. I take out the pear and bite into it. Really juicy, but I imagined it to be sweeter. I go to the bed and lie down. I put my arms around myself and imagine being hugged by Soviet. I miss him so much. Why did Second Reich just do that? Actually, I could ask him.

I go to the closet and open a door, there is Second Reich with only one pair of underpants. He is tied up, has a cloth over his mouth and is unconscious. I close the closet door again. I honestly don't know what to say about it. It's kind of really funny and on the other hand, I feel sorry for him lying there tied up. He took a lot from me, including my Soviet, but I still feel empathy for him. I want to release him and give him back his clothes, but I'll do it later, first I have to save a life and a country. As I put on my father's royal gown for the evening, I notice something.

This something can really help me later when giving a speech. My biological father is more like me than I thought, but I also ask myself more questions than before. I lie back on the bed and wonder what to say. I have to save the one who saved my life. After a long time I go to dinner and check on him again. He sleeps peacefully on the cold and icy stone floor. Then I go back upstairs and meet Germany lying in the bed of Second Reich. When he sees me he quickly gets down from the bed. "Du kannst, wenn du willst auf dem Bett bleiben. (You can stay on the bed if you want.)", I tell him as I walk towards him.

I sit down next to him. I could actually tell him who I am right? Did he actually see my Soviet? If so, then he must be traumatized from the bloody scene. The little one hugs me and cuddles up to me. I put my arms around the little boy and stroke his back. "Was ist los? (What's up?)", I ask the little Countryhuman. The child asks me: "Wo ist der von dem du erzählt hast? (Where is the one you told me about?)" "Wen meinst du? (Who do you mean?)", I ask him confused. "Bist du dieser Reich, von dem er gesprochen hat? (Are you that Reich he was talking about?)", he asks. I answer him: "Ich bin Drittes Reich. Was hat der von vorhin gesagt? (I am Third Reich. What did he say earlier?)" "Er hat von dir ohne Pause geredet und hat sich große Sorgen um dich gemacht. (He talked about you without a break and was very worried about you.", Germany replied to me.

"Wirklich? (Really?)", I ask him. The little one answered with: "Ja! Und er hat mir gesagt, dass wenn du und er in Sicherheit seid, wird er mich hier weg holen, wenn ich will, dann werde ich viele Brüder und Schwestern haben. (Yes! And he told me that if you and he are safe, he will take me away from here if I want, then I will have many brothers and sisters.)" "Weißt du schon wie viele? (Do you already know how many?)", I ask. The little Countryhuman answers: "Leider noch nicht, doch ich weiß, dass alles viel besser wird. Ich werde tolle Eltern haben und super Geschwister. (Not yet, but I know that everything will be much better. I will have great parents and great siblings.)" "Schön zu hören. (Nice to hear.)", I find. What I saw from Second Reich was not at all nice, so I hope that he will end up in a better family, if he can be taken in by another family at all.

I spend a little more time with the child, go to dinner with him before I march through my biological father's room, who is lying in the closet and again take out all of my anger, guilt, fear, hatred and lack of self esteem on me. This happens to me every now and then. At least I'll let everything out and I'll feel better later. I get up from the floor again when I heard some noises from the closet. It sounded like someone was kicking the walls and mumbling something. Second Reich must have woken up. Actually, I could bring him something to eat and drink.

I get him a slice of bread and a glass of water before I stand in front of the closet. I open the doors slightly and see him awake and quite angry. "Reg dich nicht so auf. Ich bin da und sorge dafür, dass du nicht hier drinnen verhungern oder verdursten musst. Am Abend lasse ich dich wieder da raus. (Don't get so upset. I'll be there and make sure that you don't have to starve or die of thirst in here. In the evening I'll let you out again.)", I try to calm him down. I sit down in front of him and take the cloth off his mouth. "arum hast du mich bewusstlos geschlagen? Wer bist du und was hast du vor? (Why did you knock me out? Who are you and what are you going to do?)", Second Reich asked with just one breath.

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