Chapter 18

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I'm still in bed thinking about the past few days. I get up and go to breakfast. I should be the first to be there. I take the potion and go downstairs. When I got to the front of the room, I peeked in and saw someone at Soviets' seat. The morning meal is usually already on the table, it is only brought here at lunchtime and in the evening when everyone is sitting. The one at Soviet's seat has a green poison or drink and pours it into the soup. There aren't many green potions, most are red or yellow. I only know two green potions, one is very good against tick bites and mosquito bites and the other attacks the stomach relatively quickly and very painfully, the victims often bleed to death because it decomposes the stomach wall for the most part.

Should I let Soviet know? What if he thinks I did it and lie to him? What if the potion isn't bad and maybe just enhances the taste since it is not a potion with big powers? What should I do? I need proof of who made it and whether the potion is dangerous or not. "Are you going in or not?", asks someone behind me. "You can go in first.", I say and open the door for him before I go in after him. What should I do?! Soviet Union could be in danger while I sit here. The two children sit down next to me and greet me while their father is sitting down.

He seems to be having a very relaxing morning because he looks so calm and relaxed. Does it just seem like it to me or does he always smile when I see him? Afghanistan sits down next to him and plays with her forks, bored. I look at the guy from before, he seems to be grinning maliciously. That doesn't bode well! I look back to Soviet, who takes bread and takes a bite of it before he reaches for the spoon. I get up and come to him. He looks at me and leans back a little more. His hands stay in the position. Now I'm kind of uncomfortable. He turns to me interested. What should I do? What should I tell him?

I feel like everyone at the table is staring at me. I try to find words, but as soon as I have find some words I forget them again because of my nervousness. I have a lot of stage fright, which is why this situation is so difficult for me. I feel myself shaking and the situation becomes more and more uncomfortable. "Nick what's wrong?", Soviet asks me. I open my mouth, but I still can't get a word out. At some point I tell him quietly and stutteringly: "I-I have se-seen how so-somebody has mi-mixed a green l-liquid in your f-food and I-I am afraid that it c-could be d-dangerous."

"If it is really dangerous, as you say, you too can still be the person in charge who just wants to put someone in a bad light! If you are really not sure whether it is dangerous or not and it wasn't you, you can try the soup!", shouts the one who poured the stuff in. Should i really do this? I look at Soviet one more time. He is unsure. I'll try the soup, because only then will Soviet be safe. This is probably the second time that I'm so close to death when the stuff is really dangerous, but I'd rather die than the one I love. I reach out my hand a little to take a spoon.

Soviet puts his spoon in my hand. Everyone except Soviet and his family has silver cutlery. He gave me a golden spoon. I pull the plate closer to me and dip the golden spoon into it. I feel like I am being watched from all sides. I blow the soup a little because it's too hot and take another deep breath before hesitantly opening my mouth. I try to taste the soup in my mouth to see if it's really dangerous. Tastes normal. Suddenly I taste it! I tasted a hint of cherry which is an incredibly bad sign for me. As suspected, it is the potion that decomposes the stomach wall. I have to get out very quickly because, firstly, I have to get the stuff out of myself, because I've already swallowed a lot and secondly, I don't want to suffer so much in front of people and especially the children.

I try to do it slowly and calmly because I don't want panic. I put the spoon on the table and try to get out quickly. Everyone is still staring at me. I'm slowly feeling the burning in my stomach. As soon as I'm out of the room, my stomach contracts, because it knows that this stuff has to get out. I spit everything out of my mouth and already know that I won't get any further. I get on my knees and hear the door open behind me. The pain keeps getting worse and I vomit. I can see the blood. My stomach continues to fight, but I also see more and more blood on the floor in front of me, until I faint.

This is probably my end, the main thing is that Soviet is fine. I will probably not be able to keep my promise.

"Wake up!", I hear a child calling, "Please wake up!" The voice sounds familiar to me. Is that Russia? "Please wake up Nick!", calls the little one. I feel a warm blanket over me and someone little is lying on my right. Is that Russia? My stomach and head hurt. What happened? Where am I? I slowly open my eyes. I am laying in my bed. I look over at the one hugging me from the right. It really is Russia. The little guy is scared for me, but what happened again? I put my right arm around Russia and he looks up at me with wide eyes before hugging me tighter and snuggling up to me. 

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