Chapter 11: House in the Snow

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GEAU had been struggling through the darkness for hours and she was already feeling the wind picking up, wwhich didn't help her. With every minute the wind got stronger and stronger. Slowly she felt the true cold of the place and snuggled more into her jacket. It slowly started to snow, but the wind quickly got so strong that the snow hit her in the face. GEAU knew it was going to get worse, but she didn't know where to hide from the coming blizzard. Eventually she didn't want to fight against the wind anymore because it was pointless. The Countryhumans child turned and backed up a bit before taking a wrong step and fell.

The child got to her feet and continued walking in the direction the wind was blowing her. But at some point she noticed a building in front of her and went towards it. She knocked on the door and waited while being pushed against the wall next to the door. After a while nobody answered and she checked that the door was open and luckily for her the door opened and she quickly went in before closing the door. It was quite warm in the building, so GEAU took off her jacket and laid it on the floor. The light was on in the house and it seemed to her that she would soon be meeting the owner in person. She looked around the different rooms but didn't find anyone, so she wanted to sleep for a few hours.

GEAU walked slowly to the rooms above. She crept down the hall in case anyone was still in the house. Suddenly, as she was walking down the hall, she saw a gold chain on the bedside table in the bedroom by an open door in the room. As she walked closer to it, she saw that it had a red heart shaped stone, just like Reich's. Immediately she got hope and took a closer look. Then she looked around the room and saw a bed for babies. When she looked inside, she saw a little golden baby sleeping inside. She couldn't see the face because it was snuggled against the blanket and it was quite dark in the room.

She knew that no human could have golden skin and her brothers West Germany and East Germany had golden skin. GEAU lay down on the bed next to the bedside table with the chain and snuggled into the blanket as she waited for someone to come into the house. Some time passed and she was almost asleep when she heard the front door. The little girl instantly woke up. GEAU turned to face the door. She was bubbling over with joy and excitement. It was a while before she heard someone coming up the stairs. She pretended to be asleep even though she was wide awake. Someone slowly passed the room and froze when he saw someone lying in his bed.

He then came closer to her and when the man saw who it was he started to cry and covered his face with his hands while trying not to wake her. GEAU acted like she was just waking up. Noticing this, the man hugged her and cried some more. "Mama?", GEAU asked because she couldn't see his flag. "Yes, my little angel, it's me.", Reich answered and GEAU also began to cry with joy. The little child said a little louder than before: "Mama, I missed you so much!" "I also missed you so much.", said Third Reich, who still couldn't calm down. "Mama!", GEAU whispered over and over again because she couldn't believe it herself.

It was a long time before GEAU let him go again. Reich then lay down next to his daughter, who would then snuggle up to him if he put his arms around her. He kissed his daughter on the forehead and asked: "How are you?" "Incredible because I finally found you!", she replied. "Does your father know you're here?", Reich asked. GEAU replied: "Yes and no. I didn't tell Papa I was going to look for you, but I wrote him a note that I was looking for you." "Why didn't you tell him?", Third Reich asked his daughter. "Papa would have gotten angry and the others said not to make him angry.", she said.

GEAU also added: "Papa is always strange as well." "Why strange?", Reich asked. "Papa's drinking something and then he's acting strange and I don't understand what he's saying anymore.", GEAU told her mother. Reich got a little angry at this, since he had clearly forbidden him alcohol, but tried to stay calm not to yell and wake up the baby. "Anything else with your father or your siblings?", he asked worried. GEAU took something out of her backpack because she had taken the document about cancer with her before the trip. She gave her mother the document and said: "Here!" Reich took the piece of paper and read it through.

Then he was furious with Soviet because he hid something important from him and broke a promise. "We'll fly home straight away tomorrow at noon and I'll stay a little longer because I still have a lot to clear up with your father.", announced Third Reich. "Do you know what I've been through?", GEAU asked , who really wanted to tell about her trip. Her mother listened and marveled at her stamina. He was very proud of his daughter and ended up hugging her again and telling her how impressed he was, but she should never fly over the sea again as it was incredibly dangerous.

At some point GEAU fell asleep while telling stories. Reich took care of his baby for a moment because the little one woke up and was hungry. Reich knew the baby was a bit smaller than it was supposed to be, as they were supposed to be twins and the two were born a bit premature. Shortly after birth, one of the two died, so Reich took care of the survivor even more than ever so that it didn't die too. A few tears welled up in his eyes. If only he had listened to his husband and stayed at home, he thought. Together with the baby, he lay down with his daughter and slowly fell asleep.

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